Walking Talking Typos

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Alright Alright Alright Y'all. Gotta give a s/o to Jameelah, The Ninja for reminding me about this rant Ive been meaning to write. I got fed up of my rant titles starting with People Who. So I got creative.

Typos are something we cant avoid. they happen all the damn time whn your not expecting it. I mean when your nit expecting it. I give up.

Anyway, as I was trying to say before, we all make typos or little slips in our spelling but there are some bitches who take it to the next level!!!! I decided to call those people Walking Talking Typos. These people will be talking like they just stepped out of a really bad texting converstation.

Example: "Miss I werent even talking, ask her she know I didnt do nuffink"

It annoys me no end. There is a way to address adults and when you're talking to certain people it is necessary to alter your speech.

Another thing that annoys me about these people is that they usually type how they speak.

Bitches be like:

My hubby iz so sexii woii I cnt w8 2 c hiiiim <33

Thats so annoying!!!!!!! I swear it makes my heart ache. Why why why is it necessary. There isnt any need for that amount of vowels in one word. Im not old fashioned, I use loads of slang myself and I shorten words all the time but I just cannot comprhend people who type so ratchetly.

Another one:

HeY WhaTz PoPpIn BaE ??? :P

Like bitch is your caps lock having a fucking seizure? Does it not get tiring? That hurts my eyes. They taught me from an early age you capatalise two things in a fucking sentance.

The first letter of the first word in the sentance and the first letter of names.

All of this being said I think y'all can also gather that ratchet stories piss me off. I hate it I really do. People need to start writing and talking properly rather than like a 10 year old on a blackberry. Its a shambles.

Walking Talking Typos, Thats That Shit I Dont Like.

Thats The Shit I Dont Like *The 2012 Edition*Where stories live. Discover now