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Anyone who makes someone elses life a misery for no reason is a bully. Point blank period.

Theres absolutely no need to make someone else feel worthless. No reason what so ever.

If you are insecure about yourself why must you make someone else feel insecure?

If youve had a bad experience in life why must you make someone elses life a misery?

If you just genuinely dislike someone, why must you constanly be horrible to them? Especially if theyve done nothing to you?

There are people in life that love to walk around and act like they run shit because they are pretty or really strong. This annoys me no end. Just because your 'flawless' or 'tough as hell' it doesnt give you an excuse to pick on or belittle those who appear weak or arent your definition of beautiful.

Everyone has feelings and sometimes the things you say can hurt people. God made everybody different! You wont find everyone appealing so there is really no need to say something horrible about anyone because you dont like the way they look or sound, if you dont like something about someone dont fucking look at them, simple as. If theres something about someone you really shouldnt make them feel bad about a part of themselves because I can guarantee that theres someone out there who is gonna dislike something about you more.

You gotta walk past someone and point out their flaws, make them cry because their parents arent as rich as yours and they dont wear branded clothes and they dont have your figure?

Well I'll tell you this right now. Your personality stinks and no one likes you. Yeah you mayt think your cool and all that because you can get all the boys and you can get people to agree with you and do as you say but did you ever stop to think whats gonna happen once everyone realises your just some sorry ass sucker with no life and a big ass mouth??? I didnt think so.

So next time your gonna laugh about someone ask yourself how you would feel to be in there position. If they havent done anything to deserve your scorn and hate then dont fucking give it to them because I promise you that someone out there is gonna scorn and hate you in return. If you ugly on the inside your face and body mean nothing. Yeah, I fucking said it.

GTFO with that ''Bullies are insecure people who need love'' and ''they're just jealous of you reallly'' Nah, bullies are bitches and whores who woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to take their problems out on the world, stop making excuses for people to be mean and spiteful for no reason.

Bullies That The Shit I Dont Like

Thats The Shit I Dont Like *The 2012 Edition*Where stories live. Discover now