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I still remember that day.. A child filled with dreams, happiness and promises..

But never expected to break them.

I didn't mean to break them.. To break him.

We were both 12 years old when it happened. 

A couple chose me to live with them and freed me out of the orphanage. Without any word I was dragged out forcefully at the time when the children are sleeping including Cloud.. But when the gates slammed open, Cloud woke up realizing I was gone, he then ran off to follow me , even after the car started moving. The driver continued driving while watching the little boy ran after the car yet it never stopped. The only thing I could do is shout his name at the back car window while tears flooding my eyes. 

The last memory I have was him running after our car and tripping in the middle of the road crying.... The first tears he shed.

It was a painful memory bothering me till now, after 14 years of that painful incident.

((3rd POV))

She ran away from home knowing her step parents terrorized her for the past 14 years, they never cared for her existence but instead for their extra money coming from the orphanage, soon enough her step mother died cause of too much alcohol consumption, Y/n's step father held the funeral by himself with rage blaming and hurting Y/n for being with them so for one specific night he left Y/n locked in her room before leaving the house for wealthy reasons. Now Y/n believe it's an oppurtunity to change her path since she gained knowledge and power to live by her own will, not only that but she also built her own motivation. A motivation triggered by Cloud in her Memories , hoping she could meet him again.

She used her bedsheets acting as a rope to escape through the nearest window.

Packed her huge backpack with money she had been hiding for long, valuable items she saved, books and her precious clothes. The bag is a bit heavy but Y/n is strong enough to carry it while climbing down, completing her escape without failure. She squeezed herself into the bushes at the mansions backyard, it leads to the woods unknown to anybody who lives there except for her. Y/n already memorized the whole place cause every night she sneaks in just to venture out the woods and see the stars. With those daily exploration  she's already experienced enough to face all the paths as well as the dead ends of the unknown area alone. So now it won't be a nuisance.

Currently walking into a grassy path rustling from bushes, trunks and leaves. Y/n noticed something..Trees are unlikely before cause there are broken trunks laying here and there, huge stones were misplaced and fruits were scattered on the ground. This side of the woods ain't like the usual yet everything's silent till.

"You think you can stop me from here?"

"HAH! I've been searching everywhere for yah my fellow enemy.. You know why I'm here"

"Less talking, more action. Let's make it faster" She heard different kinds of sounds such as muffling, kicking, punching also tripping sounds... Seems like the two strangers behind the bushes in front of her were battling to see who's stronger.

The bushes made a loud noise as she accidentally slipped and tumble herself out of it , fell on the ground and visible to the strangers eyes.

Two guys were fighting in front of her before they suddenly stopped upon seeing how she fell in the middle of their fight.

One guy with the dark red hair, wearing a taekwondo outfit and the other one with the black hair wearing a purple hoodie. 

"Oh h-hey" she said with an awkward tone.

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