The Final

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((Tifas POV))

Last night had been horrible for me, every single word I heard from him stabs my heart. It finally happened, the day i'm trying to avoid. A day where Cloud change not only his mindset but also his heart. However, that isn't the main reason why I kept feeling this pain, it is the fact that Cloud fell in love with Y/n even with her new name or new life, even with her flaws or weaknesses. He still fell in love with her! Without even knowing Sun is Y/n, the girl he was trying to forget for all these past years. Why can't it be me? Why can't he notice me? I was the one who kept staying by his side. Yet why am I not good enough for him?

My head throbs after drinking three whole bottle of beer. I closed the bar today cause I'm not feeling well. I rest my head on top of the bar counter forcing myself to forget everything including my feelings. However, my heart is telling me to confess. Maybe after confession a possible acceptance or rejection would happen but at least my doubts would be clarify.

I heard the door creaked open before the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the bar. Even how heavy my head is nor how daze I was, I still knew it was Cloud.

"It's not like you to Close on weekdays" I heard Clouds voice coming from behind.

"I need a day off. "

"Just a day off? You're drunk. What happened?" Cloud occupied the wooden chair next to me and to be honest I was feeling a little better knowing that he looks worried about me.

Y/n's drawings are located at the bottom shelf under the counter hidden completely, reminding me of what bothers me since last night , it attracted me a couple of times till I finally have the courage to ask him

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Y/n's drawings are located at the bottom shelf under the counter hidden completely, reminding me of what bothers me since last night , it attracted me a couple of times till I finally have the courage to ask him.

"Cloud, I know this might be a little sudden. Can you hear me out?"

"Unusual but alright. "

"Cloud. You've been grieving about Y/n for as long as I can remember and we're all here for you. . We've been friends for years and so you can trust us while making new memories. I'm here to help you recover."

"I know and I am thankful "

"Well there is something else I wanted to tell you , just to get it out of my chest"

"Go on"

"Cloud it might not be obvious but I held some feelings towards you"

"What do you mean?"

"I hope you won't push me away.. I like you Cloud as something more than just friendship" My eyes wandered of to the wooden floor, playing with my fingers while the fear had taken over my heart, afraid of what he might answer.

"Hmm" He hummed as a response. Without his answer, I still get the impression of rejection yet he's probably thinking of not ruining my heart.

"Can we still be friends though?" With a smile I leaned towards him giving him a hint of how I am going to be okay whatever answer he gave me.

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