Ending the Love

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((Clouds POV))

After the masquerade ball, me and Tifa headed back into our new rooms. Still wearing the same disguise, we never plan on removing them, not that we're here. Not sure if we could trust the surroundings.

"Cloud. We haven't seen Y/n.. Do you think she forfeited the battle plus we are partnered up to a whole bunch of strangers" Tifa let out a deep sigh of disappointment


"What?" She asked as if she never noticed something.

"Well at least our partners look harmless. Hwoarang is a funny guy, he knows how to make things fun even fighting" She giggled to herself while recalling the latest events as if she fell in love with him instantly.

Is it possible Y/n could fall for someone like Hwoarang? Even Tifa liked him. I never been funny my entire life, I doubt she would choose me out of that funny yet strong guy.

"How's your partner Cloud? Is he cool?"

"Seriously Tifa you never noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"My partner. She is a girl in a disguise"

"That handsome looking guy is a girl?! I mean she's a girl?!"

"Yes and she's not just any girl.. She's Y/n"

"How did you know? It's hard to recognize her out of that amazing outfit"

"She introduced herself as Cloud"

Tifa laughed as loud as possible but then the seriousness returned to her face again.

"So what did you talked about"

"That's none of your business"

"Oh how cold.."

"Anyways congratulations for finding Y/n in the middle of the darkness. It really is fate, isn't it?"

"I was hoping"

"Please tell me what you two talked about?" Tifa pleaded with her hands intertwined with each other.

"Nothing" I looked away after remembering what I did with Y/n.. That time even with her disguise on I can still feel the strong joy , next thing I knew I stooped down to kiss Y/n.. Not to mention how I missed her a lot, the emotions and frustrations mixed in to the point where I can't control myself.. Hoping Y/n could forget what Star did or the fake me did.

"Nevermind. Cloud just goodluck tomorrow with your other Cloud" she giggled before leaving my room.

I kept wondering about this Tekken Tournament.. I don't think she can leave this behind.. Especially Hwoarang.. She's probably jealous about Tifa and him.. Yet why didn't she shoved me away a while ago?

The next day..

Tifa helped me out with my disguise again, retouching the makeup and wig. After everything's over Tifa went to the Event ground first, leaving me in the room alone.

((Y/n POV))

Noises in the room echoed as the tournament begun yet me on the other hand continued complaining on how late my partner is, not to mention she's not here yet! Is it too hard to accept whatever happened last night? Cause surely in my perspective, I've forgotten all about it! Oh wait.. I didn't entirely forgot .. It's clearer now what she meant last night about her winning or losing question. Is she about to actualize the term losing?

Hwoarang and his partner came with a little bit of a surpise, the beautiful girl's still wearing the same outfit including the same mask.. Can't get over the masquerade yet? Although I also wear the same outift as yesterday. However something changed about them. Mr.Hwoarang here have her hand gripping on his arm. I shrugged at the thought that these two may have gone into a next level.

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