First Fight

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((Y/n POV)) 

"Earth to Cloud.. Hellooooo?" Trying to wake up Cloud from spacing out again. Not to mention he's been staring at the yellow flower I pinned to his shirt , if stares can burn things into flames I'm sure that flower are burnt down into ashes, along with his shirt, well since flames spread so fast.  

"Cloud I finally received the pack of seeds. Most of them are the type of flowers with yellow petals" At last Cloud wakes up from his possible daydreaming, he must have been remembering Aerith or his past friend. Hmmm. 

"Let me pay them for you" Cloud took his wallet  

"I have some money left though. Right here" I informed him. I was about to pay for the seeds but Cloud grabbed my hand stopping me from using the last remaining money I have from Tifa. But what bothers me right now is Clouds hand, he's still holding mine.. My face started to heat up. I hope he'll never notice. 

"Didn't I tell you I'll buy whatever you want" He said without looking at me. He placed the money on top of the ladys hand while thanking her for her service.  

"Thank you, have a nice day you two" The lady bid her goodbye yet as we walked a few steps away from the lady we heard her say "What a cute couple"

I can feel my face heat up again after hearing that from her and I'm sure Cloud heard it too. Certainly if I can see my face right now, it's probably as red as a tomato. I sure hope Cloud won't look at me. I took a short glance at Cloud , he's covering half of his face with his hand while trying to look away.

Not sure if the redness of my face would wear off soon since I can still feel Clouds hand holding mine which surely he's not obviously aware of. 

We're silent for a minute before my stomach broke it with its loud growl. Argh now my face is probably redder than ever. Cloud heard it cause he took a quick glance at me before looking away again, this time he's not covering half of his face but instead I can hear him chuckle from a far. I hope I could see him though, who knows what kind of expression he makes when chuckling. Then somehow he jolted, realization hits him on how he's been holding my hand for a few minutes now . He let my hand go. For once I've seen Clouds redish face clearly. It might be from embarrassment but still it's cute. Can't help but to laugh at the thought. 

"Sorry. What would you like to eat?" Cloud asked as he inspect my eyes, waiting for an answer. 

"Oooh how about we have those buy one take one thing" I pointed at a fast food restaurant where they sell cheap yet delicious looking foods.  

He agreed at my request and we entered the restaurant. Cloud picked a vacant table and let me sit and rest first as he ask me what I want from the menu.  After choosing our meal Cloud lined up in front of the cash register and ordered the meals. 

While waiting my eyes wandered at the huge glass window next to our table where I can see  and hear through the market outside. The stage caught my attention again, this time there are four people on stage , not only did they bowed in front of each other but they started fighting either. They seem to be teamed up by twos , the other two collapsed upon losing the fight, they have plenty of bruises around their bodies. I'm not even sure if those two are alright anymore, they probably broke a bone based on how they both squirmed from pain.  

Then the announcer mentioned their names. "And the winner is Unnu and Elsu!! They'll be fighting against the newest team who entered in the Ironfist Tournament" 

Iron Fist Tournament? Why does it sound familiar? Felt as if I heard it before. No wonder it gives me the chills whenever I see them fight. Not sure if I have any knowledge when it comes to fighting but I have this excitement in my soul as if it wants me to enter the tournament. Then someone familiar caught my attention. She's standing next to the stage watching the fight in an excited manner. I never knew Tifa likes this sort of thing. I don't think she'll allow me to join since I'm recovering my health and my memory, it's impossible for her to accept my request.

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