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~After 1 year ~

"Hey Y/n are you trying to draw that dream guy of yours?! Cloudy isn't it?" My red haired friend squeezed in a conversation, loud enough to cover the roaring of engines from the helicopter we're in yet I continued sketching Cloud not giving my friend some attention. Can't help it, art has been a part of me since the day I started training with Hwoarang and all I can draw was Clouds face, probably cause of how much I've been missing him and how much i wanna see his new structure.  A lot happened, that includes my improvements when it comes to hand to hand combat, martial arts, taekwondo, kungfu and kickboxing. One of my trainers is Hwoarang. He might be a little childish but he is after all a master in Taekwondo and now  he even dyed my hair the same red shade as his, I doubt people would recognize me. Even if everything changed positively within me, I still long for that friend with blue eyes and golden hair cause seriously I've trained this hard to improve myself just for Cloud, to protect him.

Back to the present Hwoarang continuously poke my arm, probably noticing how I dare to ignore his presence.

"He isn't a dream , he is real, my best friend!" I shouted as a reply before he sat down besides me with his eyes completely glued towards my orbs as if something serious are about to come out from his mouth.

"I thought I'm your best friend?!"

"Well he is also my best friend"

"In the past Y/n.. In the past.. See how you can only draw the child version of him? You should find a new hobby cause drawing the same face can be Boring. Unlike my channel here. Oh by the way I uploaded your championship video. Headline! SUN heat up the iron fist tournament with her dazzling attacks!!" He said the last part with gestures such as punches and high kicks.. Well I admit he's right about that. Fighting in the Iron Fist Tournament can be a good achievement. I did fought countless of fighters and I ended up winning, thanks to my tutors.

"Hahaha . Well I finished the sketch! Let's start your routine as a gift for the time you accepted me as your tag team partner last month"

"GREAT THEN! Well seeing Jin's scared face was enough to thank me but still I need this expedition sooo.. Are you ready? I know girls can't handle heights like these"

"Well then you don't know this girl" I grinned at my red haired friend

"Well these are the consequence of being a member of my gang" he smirked at me before jumping out of the helicopter.

"Hwoarang wait for me!" I jumped after him

It feels like flying without wings as we soar through the sky facing the earth , appreciating the beautiful scenery below.

"Hey, can you do this?"Hwoarang soon enough started spinning in the air like an acrobat. Way to brag Master Hwoarang.. Way to brag.

"Well then.. Can you do this?" I spinned the same way as him but then I have another trick on hand, I sat on the air like there is an invisible chair, crossed legs before I bring out a cup of coffee taking a sip with my pinky pointing upwards as an etiquette. After all of it I giggled seeing Hwoarangs surprised reaction. He probably never expected something impossible to happen, well there are no impossibles in my account.

Now is the time to open our parachute

"Hey Master Hwoa-hwoa time to land"

"Oh right"

Upon pulling the rope connected to our parachute , the wind grew stronger like a wave pushing our parachute bringing us apart and further till we've been carried away into the unknown.. The strong wind is deafening, my eyes started closing, my breathe felt like it was about to stop. I knew for the fact that a few tree trunks caught me before completely crashing to the ground, for that I'm thankful yet it still hurts to the point where I can't stand it.

Cloud Strife X Reader (Sun Search For Her Star)Where stories live. Discover now