aftershock. *contains vxbts*

325 3 3

(also happy taekook day!)

[4:00am, April 5th]

"it would've been our 5th anniversary today chim, fifth." tae sniffled

"i know baby, he shouldn't have left so abruptly. he's a dick." jimin said trying to comfort his bestfriend

"he isn't, he's a jerk." tae said half sticking up for his maybe ex? still sobbing

"right, jerk." jimin eye rolled. "do you want me to come round sweetie?" he questioned

"y-yes jiminie!! i'd love that. i wan your snuggles" tae said swallowing his cries. beaming with love for the elder.

"i'm on my way buttercup" jimin cooed, feeling tae's boxy smile through the phone.


yoongi woke up to a reminder 

bUTtsEX shared calender, invite only:
( taetaes gon be sad today! be there for him - jimin :) )

normally when jimin did shit like this he would be pissed, but he looked at the date and realised why okay, i've got it

yoonie 💘
heya baby..

babaytatae 👼

yoonie 💘
how are you holdin' up?

babaytatae 👼
i dont know hyung.. it hurts

yoonie 💘
what hurts baby?

babaytatae 👼

yoonie 💘
fuck it.. i'll be over in a few i dont give a shit if jimin is already there I can shove a hoe.

babaytatae  👼
hyungngng!! stop swearingg but okie, i like thatt i'll see you soon yoonie 

yoongi lit up. he loved that nickname. tae was the only one who could call him that.

yoonie 💘
okay baby, i'll see you in a few. i love you more than anything 💕

babaytatae 👼
bye bye!! i love you most 😡💘💘


the doorbell rang,tae was expecting jimin, or yoongi but he opened it to see 

"h-hobi?" the boy said his eyes were clearly puffy and his nose was red .

hoseok softened at the sight. he took the box of chocolates and flowers from behind him and gave it to the sad, shocked yet happy boy in front of him. "baby.." he hugged taehyung before being allowed in.

tae was happy, now all of his bestfriends should be here by :)

there were murmurs outside when he opened the door on yoongi and jimin clearly squabbling over who gets to hug him first.. what he didn't realise was the rugby tackle awaiting him when all three hugged him planting kisses on the latter.

it was sappy but eh, he needed it after his first love, jeon jungkook got up and walked out in the middle of the night two months ago. no note. no 'we need to figure this out'. no breakup.  just an empty apartment to wake up to. his only love abandoned him, in the worst of ways, he left like their childhood was meaningless- like it didn't deserve an explanation. like tae wasnt worth a sorry..

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