Injured Barddock x female Saiyan reader

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Description: In this one-shot your are Saiyan and you stumble upon a very injured Bardock our child-hood friend. After taking him to your home you help him recover and tend to his injuries. So without further a due enjoy!

No-ones pov

You walked alone on the cracked and destroyed path of the recently conquered planet and sighed while rubbing your arm. 

Freiza forced you and your team to transform into a Great Ape to take over the planet easier "easy my ass your not the one turning into a monster!" you hissed out.

Looking up you froze seen a large figure laying on the ground surrounded by blood and gasped noticing the Saiyan tail laying limp behind it. Running you gasped again after turning the figure on his side "Bardock?!" 

Pressing down on the gaping wound on his chest you focused on your ki as a f/c light appeared and healed his minor wounds. You stood up and slung his arm around your shoulders and dragged him back to camp.

Placing him on a medical bed you panted "dam Bard your one heavy Saiyan!" you grumbled and went to work treating his more serious wounds.


Bardock woke up with a ground and looked around hissing in pain as he tried to get up he heard a grunt. 

Turning he saw you glaring at him with unique and cold e/c eyes as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"wanna explain to me why you were on the verge of death and out there alone Bardock?" he chuckled "the bastards went for me so I put them in there place!" 

You sighed and walked over to him checking his injury's humming you walked over to a tray full of food and his stomach growled loudly as he blushed.

You giggled and placed the tray on his lap "I figured you'd be hungry not every day we have to turn Great Ape so it works up an appetite" he grunted and dove in eating like a savage.

After he finished you took the tray away and looked at the door to see his team "ya can go see him now he's healing and been fed so he should be happy" 

Fasha giggled and you walked out before you heard Bardock say "thanks for the help y/n" you grinned.

"No problem Bardy try to be careful next time".........

Edited on Thursday 15th August 2024

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