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  It was early morning. Not even the sun was out. I woke up coughing a fit.
   I felt horrible my nose was stuffy,my head was pounding, and I felt like my world was spinning.
   I checked the time on my phone it's 4:05.i was about to go back to sleep when I felt a burning sensation in my throat.
    I ran to my bathroom and sat in front of the toilet. I ended up throwing up last nights dinner.
    I never really got sick. It was mostly my other siblings and I always took care of them when they were sick. 
   When I get sick it's always bad. I don't know why it's like sickness hits like a truck.
    I used the little strength I had to get off the floor and back into bed.
I tried to go back to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I felt like coughing.
I stayed up till 7:00 until I finally fell asleep but was waken up 10 minutes later by the noise of Jimin.
"JINA!!!!! TIME TO GET UP!!!!" He yelled he opened my door I quickly rapped myself in the blankets I had to hide my face.
"Jina? Why are you rapped in blankets? Are you okay." He walked up to my bed and sat on the edge.
"I'm f-fine" I couldn't really talk it hurt my throat a lot. I can tell he didn't buy it. He looked at me curiously.
Then I felt a cold hand on my forehead.I looked at him and saw he was shocked.
"Your really warm." He said. He then covered my ears with his hands and screamed for the others
He let go on my ears and I heard a stampede of people coming into my room.
"Jina your sick?" Jin said as he approached me and put his hand on my forehead.
"You really are sick!" He said and that's when all the boys started running around the house.
In the Dorm we have rules. When someone is sick you have to take your part in taking care of them.
Jin normally cooks with help from Namjoon. Hobi and Jimin go out to get medicine. Taehyung and Jungkook gets blankets and pillows. And then yoongi stays with me.
"Jina do you want cuddles." Yoongi said. I smiled but it quickly turned into a frown. I didn't want to get him sick.
"I don't care if I get sick Jina." He said. Did he like read my mind? I smiled once again and nod my head.
He laid down on my bed and open his arms.I move closer to him and lean my head on his chest.
After five minutes Jungkook and taehyung came in with the blankets and extra pillows. They also brought movies that I love.
"We thought that we should have a sleep over in your room so that we can take care of you!" Jungkook said. I smiled and nodded my head.
Soon Jin and Namjoon came with soup and hobi and jimin came with medicine.
I drank the soup (do you drink or eat soup???) and it was delicious.
"Jina drink the medicine." Hobi said. I shook my head and continue to watch the movie.
"Why not?" Jimin said.
"It's yucky" I said. The boys start to laugh.
"A..... B....C" they started to sing the alphabet I laughed and joined in little did I know it was part of the plan to get to drink the medicine.
I was on the letter I and that's when Jin gave me the medicine.
The boys were dying of laughter while I was pouting.
"I hate you guys." I said they look at me and then said "we love you too"
The rest of the day we were watching movies and cuddling with each other. Taehyung with jungkook. Jimin and hobi. Jin and Namjoon. And then me and yoongi.
"I love you guys" I whispered and then fell asleep.
————————————————————————here is how they looked cuddling

————————————————————————here is how they looked cuddling

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