Chapter 6

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--- Xander's POV ---

After having lunch, we went grocery shopping. We drove around for a while, and almost decided to stop at a museum. On our way back to the apartment with a trunk full of junk food, we got lunch at a BBQ place. We wasted time talking, and evening came earlier than we expected, so we rushed back.

I got dressed for my evening jog, grabbing a sweatshirt. Blending a kale smoothie, I invited Fox to join me.

"I'll come if you can make your healthy smoothie taste good," the shorter boy snorted.

"See you when I get back." He chuckled. I picked up my phone, grabbed my thermos, and headed out. I listened to my playlist as I jogged toward the park.

After a couple minutes I reached my destination. Orange painted the sky, and branches swayed in the gentle breeze. I stuck to the paths, taking my time enjoying the scenery. It was surprisingly warm considering the last couple days.

I had stopped to tie my shoe, when I heard a rustle. I took out my earbuds and glanced around, but there was no one in sight. I stood up, and heard the rustling again. This time, it was louder.

The wind had stopped, so it couldn't have been a breeze. A cluster of bushes shook, scattering leaves onto the ground. It was a couple yards away, and I crept toward it, curious.

A nose peeked out, and I saw cautious eyes glint from within the foliage. I held up my hands, showing it I meant no harm. The rest of the creature emerged, and my eyes widened.

It was a fox, but it had nine tails. Its glossy pelt was black, but the tips of its tails were white. It sat on its haunches and blinked at me.

"What are you?" I asked softly. I didn't want to scare it away. But it seemed amused at my question, satiny tails waving slowly.

I stepped toward it. It didn't react, so I got closer. Standing next to it, it only came up to my knee. I reached out, and stroked its fur, marveling at the velvety feel. It rubbed up against me and I laughed.

It trotted away, before coming back with a branch. Dropping the stick at my feet, its black eyes twinkled playfully.

I threw the stick, and the fox-like creature raced after it. It brought back the stick, and I threw it again. We played fetch for about an hour, until the sound of chirping birds were replaced by crickets.

It was time for me to go home, and I patted my new friend on the head. "Goodbye."

It cocked its head at me, then scampered away, disappearing into a thicket by the edge of the park.

I stared after it. What kind of animal was it? I told myself I would do research when I got home. I started walking, finding my way back to the entrance of the park.

Fitting my key into the lock, I opened the door. Fox lifted his head at the sound of my arrival, peeking over the back of the couch.

"Did you have a good run?" He asked.

"Yeah. I found a dog in the park, so I played with it for a while." I didn't know why I lied. I guess I just didn't feel like sharing my discovery with anyone.

"Hmm. That's nice." I walked over to him and brushed a leaf out of his hair.

"How did this get here?"

"I dunno." He shrugged, and turned around to go back to watching the TV.

The next three days were pretty much the same. Fox and I went window shopping at the mall, and visited an aquarium.

I had gone to the park each evening, playing with my new friend in secret. I had done research, and the creature was apparently a kitsune. It was a mythical creature, a fox with nine tails.

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