Chapter 24

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--- Fox's POV ---

"Fox, stop eating ice cream." Aither warned.

I couldn't stop the laughter bubbling up.

The waitress slowly backed up, apologizing.

"Okayokayokayokay." I said quickly. "Come on, hurry up, hurry up!"

Aither flipped me off. "Why are you so dumb?"

"Why are you so cranky? Old man!"

"I hate you."

"Can I have your sundae?" I had already half finished ours. Don't worry, I'd left some for Xander, being the gracious demon I was.

"No," Raiden said calmly.

"But whyyy?" I whined. I crossed my arms and pouted. I glanced around. "I'm bored."

I teleported outside, spinning around in the sunshine. I knocked on the window behind my friends. Hurry up, I mouthed.

My friends panicked, Aither trying to pay for the food. He didn't have the right currency.

The guards watched me, some having rushed out to follow me. They observed me without doing anything, bewildered.

After the problem with paying was resolved, my friends scrambled out of the restaurant to spot my legs swinging above them. I waved down at them excitedly.

"Up here!" I called.

"Get down!" Aither ordered.

"How about...  No."


"I refuse. Stuuuupid!"

"I said, get down!"

"And I said no! You no comprende?" I blew a raspberry.

Aither threw what was his version of a tantrum, which involved destroying anything in reach. I laughed, watching him punch a hole in a sign.

Raiden had to restrain him, grabbing the blue haired boy by the waist.

"You should watch your temper!" I sing-songed.

Aither hollered at me, screaming foul words. It was quite a spectacle.

"You can't get me from up here!"

Raiden dragged Aither, who was practically foaming at the mouth, back into the restaurant, and it was Xander's turn.

His voice was low, and he sternly pointed a finger at me. "You don't have time for this."

I checked the timer, it was true. Now there was only 40 minutes left.

I waggled a finger, "I'll be fine! 40 minutes is plenty."

The procrastinator in me was coming out.

Xander crossed his arms, and my gaze went to his chest. "If you don't come down now, I won't help you."

Dirty thoughts flashed through my head.

"Alright, alright! You know, you're a very good negotiator." I said, jumping down. We had gathered a crowd, curious spectators who were interested in seeing a prince high on sugar.

Xander grabbed my arm, keeping me close. "Don't run off again."

"You're not my dad," I snickered.

"You're right. I'm your master." A thrill ran through me at hearing his voice get deeper. I discreetly pressed my legs together, trying to hide my erection.

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