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Emma's POV
The Next Day

I woke up and rolled over, and Luke was already gone to work for the day.

Is it bad to say that I was halfway relieved?

I got up and took a shower before Luke texted me.

Luke: whatcha doin'?
Emma: just got out of the shower
Luke: Damn I wanna see
Emma: good thing I already got dressed
Luke: oh come onnnnnnn babe
Emma: see you later 
Luke: got any plans today?
Emma: probably going to Olivia's to hang out with her and Katie.

And Scooter, and Ethan and Grayson, but Luke doesn't need to know that.

At first I felt a little bit guilty lying to Luke, but it's not like he hasn't lied to me before, right?

I got ready and went over to Olivia's where Scooter and Katie, Ethan, Grayson, and Olivia were hanging out.

"Hey, Em." Olivia said as I walked in.

"Hey." Said Katie, followed by Scooter."

I waved to everyone and the twins smiled at me while I sat down on the opposite couch as them.

"Is Luke working today?" Scooter asked. Scooter is really the only one of my friends that remotely likes Luke.

"Yeah. He was already gone when I woke up this morning. I guess I'm free for today."

Ethan scowled and looked at Grayson, who raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

I guess they can communicate without speaking.

Anyway, all of us just sat there and chatted, and it was really fun. We were all starting to get to know Ethan, and he was definitely a good fit for our friend group.

He's super funny, and all of us laughed out asses off talking to him and Grayson. It was a really fun couple of hours, and when I got back to my place, I decided to go for a run.

With Luke running through my head over and over again, I needed a distraction, and running was usually my escape.

I put on a sports bra, running shoes, and some leggings before leaving my apartment and starting my run.

I ran for about an hour and a half. I used to run cross country in high school, and I've kept up with my running after I graduated. It's a huge stress reliever for me, and it keeps my mental and physical health in tact.

I walked into the campus coffee shop (it's open during the summer), and once I got my coffee, I sat down in a corner booth.

I was scrolling through Instagram when I heard the café's door open. I instinctively looked to see if it was anyone I knew, and it was Ethan.

Crap. I look terrible right now. I'm sweaty and gross from running.

Wait—why does it matter? I'm with Luke anyway.

I guess I didn't want Ethan to know that I was stressing about Luke.

Ethan ordered his coffee, and once he started looking for somewhere, he saw me and smiled.

And then walked over to my table.

"Hey, Emma. What's up?" He said, sitting down.

"I just went for a run and then came to get some coffee."

"You run a lot?"

"Since High School, yeah."

"Did you run track?"

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