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Emma's POV

"Let me get this straight." Olivia said as she paced around my living room. It was only 8:30. It was too early. "You guys are going on dates, but you're not together?"

"He just hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. Which is understandable, Liv. I just got out of a three year relationship. Ethan probably doesn't want to rush things, and I really don't want to either.

"I know, but you guys are so cute togetherrrrr. I see the way he treats you. Putting you on his check at the restaurant, stealing you away for ice cream. It's cute. It's what I think you've been needing."

I smiled. "He opens every single door for me. Including the car door. He pulls chairs out for me if I'm going to sit down, he always pays for my food even if I have my own money. And by always I mean the two times we've gone for food together. And when he paid for my pizza, I told him he didn't have to, and he just said that I deserve to be treated right. And when I thanked him for that, he said that I should just expect it and that I don't have to thank him. Then when we got ice cream, he beat me to the card machine, and then he said 'you're gonna have to get used to being treated right, because that's the only way I'm going to treat you.'"

"Wow. Em, I think he really likes you."

I smiled. "I don't know, Liv. But I do think there is something between him and I, and I can't shake it. Plus think about it. If I lasted three years in a relationship that sucked, imagine how long a good relationship is gonna last."

"See, Em. He's gonna be good for you."

"Olivia, I don't even know if it's going there yet. It's okay if it takes time. If it's gonna happen, I don't want it to be rushed. That's how I ended up with Luke, and I don't want something like that to happen again."

"You're right. Things like this take time."

"Do you wanna go get coffee?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's go."


Olivia and I pulled into the coffee shop parking lot before we got out and went inside.

"So, did anything else happen when you guys got ice cream?" Olivia asked when we sat down with our coffees.

"We decided to go on a run later today."

"Ooooh. Are you guys gonna take a nap together like he said?"

I didn't respond, but Olivia knew the answer just by looking at me. My face was probably beet red.

"You totally are! You guys totally like each other."

"Liv, don't push it." I said, sipping on my coffee.

"Just saying."


After we were done getting coffee, we headed back to the apartments, and Olivia went back to her place.

Since I was supposed to meet up with Ethan in an hour, I decided to change into my running clothes and make myself a smoothie.

After I was changed, I put my hair into a ponytail with a little braid running on the side.

Once I was done with my hair, I made my smoothie and sat down to eat it.

It honestly made me feel so much better already that I didn't have to worry about Luke controlling my every decision anymore.

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