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Emma's POV

"You are not wearing that tonight." Luke said, walking over to my closet. I was getting ready to go to Olivia's to hangout with the whole crew.

He grabbed a pair of jeans and threw them at me. "Here. Put these on. I don't want any of those guys looking at your legs."

"Luke, what are you so worried about?" I responded, walking up to him and putting my hand on his shoulder.

God he's so manipulative. I swear even when he makes me mad he has the ability to get me right where he wants me. He knows how to convince me that he's right. He knows how to convince me that we're still in love.

Whenever we're not happy, he somehow convinces me the next day that we are. I can't shake it.

He gets mad at me one day, and we have a huge argument, and the next day?

He acts like nothing happened. It confuses me.

Anyway, he put his arms around my waist and kissed me.

Another thing that I can tell you about Luke is that he had some kind of spell cast over me—he could control my mind through his kisses. Another thing I couldn't wrap my head around. I guess you could say he was intoxicating.

"I just don't trust those guys, Em. I don't want them taking advantage of you."

"Luke, why don't you come with me? I'm sure they won't mind."

"Okay." He said.

I went into the bathroom and changed into the jeans, and then we left for Olivia's.

I was excited to go, because my brother Joey was going to be there.

Olivia lives in the same apartment complex as us, and she's roommates with Katie and Scooter.

Ian, Grayson and now his brother Ethan live downstairs in the only three bedroom in the complex.

So, it's easy for us friends to all hangout because we all live in the same building.

Joey lives about an hour away, but he comes to visit us quite often, and he brings an awesome dynamic to the group. He's not only my brother, but he's one of my best friends too.

Ethan's POV

This is my first week living in California, but school doesn't start for another month. I wanted to get a head start on meeting all of Grayson's friends, and starting to get used to UCLA.

Anyway, Ian, Grayson and I were going to Olivia's apartment so that I could meet everyone, and it's a weekly tradition for the group to meet at someone's place for hangout night.

We were the last to arrive at Olivia's, and everyone was in the kitchen talking.

Grayson introduced me first to Olivia, then Katie and Scooter, then Joey, and last but not least Emma.

She was beautiful. She seemed kind of shy when Grayson introduced her to me, and I found out that she was Joey's little sister.

"Ethan, this is Emma. She's Joey's little sister. She's in our year. Emma, this is my twin brother Ethan."

"Hi, Ethan. It's nice to meet you." She said, shaking my hand. "Grayson, I didn't know that you were twins."

Grayson shrugged while taking a sip of his beer.

"Nice to meet you too, Emma." I said.

I thought it was funny that she didn't know Grayson and I were twins. I guess he never mentioned it.

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