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Waking up with Ethan's arms around me was the best feeling ever.

His chest was pressed against my back, and his arms were secured around my stomach.

I got up and changed into my running gear like usual, and I went to the kitchen to make some smoothies for breakfast.

Ethan came into the kitchen and stood behind me as I was preparing fruit for the smoothies, and he kissed me on the cheek as his arms wrapped around my stomach.

"Good morning."

God, I love Ethan's morning voice.

"Hey, hun." I responded, smiling at him. He pecked my lips and patted me on the ass before walking towards the bathroom.

I blushed and shook my head at his goofy action as I finished making the smoothies.

I poured the smoothie into two glasses, and set Ethan's on the counter before sitting down and scrolling through Instagram.

Ethan came back from the bathroom and sat down next to me. "Thanks for the smoothie, Em."

I put down my phone and turned to Ethan, who was grinning at me. He is so cheesy sometimes.

"You're welcome. Hey, Joey's visiting this weekend. I think we should tell him."

"And then we can tell the whole gang. I'll say 'Hey, guys. Look at my amazing beautiful sexy hot girlfriend, Emma.'"

"You better not call me sexy in front of Joey. He'll come after you."

"You're right. I'll say 'Hey, guys. Look at my amazing, beautiful girlfriend, Emma. Damn, I got so lucky.'"

"That's better."

"I'd rather not be chased down the street by an angry Italian older brother."

One thing I didn't mention is that our mom's side of the family was super Italian, and that's where Joey and I got our light brown hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah. I can understand that."

"Me too. My family also has Italian in their blood."

I smiled at Ethan before finishing my smoothie.

"Lets go run soon, so that we have time to hang out before class."

"You're so smart." He said, getting up and putting his empty glass in my sink.

He was already changed to go running, so we left my place right away to go to the track.


The rest of the day was pretty normal. Ethan and I ran, then we hung out for a little bit before I had to go to class, and he walked me there like the fine young gentleman that he is.

Both of our first classes ended at 1, so we ate a quick lunch together before we went my studio so that I could practice.

After that, I drove Ethan back to campus for his class, and then I went back to my place until I had to go to my class.

After that, we ate dinner together, along with Olivia, and Grayson.

They were the only people that knew about Ethan and I becoming official so far, and it was nice to be able to enjoy being a couple around other people.

The rest of the school week went by pretty fast, and now it's Friday.

Ethan and I both didn't have classes today, and neither did Grayson, so we ran, ate lunch, and then went to my studio so that I could practice.

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