Friends are still here

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It's finally Thursday and I am texting Fran for that surprise but she isn't answering me. But someone is knocking.

Fran: Surprise!

Violetta: Fran! You are here, but how?

Fran: My parents allowed me to stay with you for 5 days! And it was your's mum plan.

Maria: Am I the best mum?

Violetta: Yes, thank you. Fran I need to show you Sevilla, and that beach... But now you need to rest after flight.

My friend is here!!! Thanks to her I feel better. But that's just for some days, then she will leave. I need to stop thinking about bad.

Fran: So, I found that there will be party, but we don't need to go if you don't feel for it.

Violetta: No, actually it's great, I need to scatter. I can't just think about Leon, it hurts too much.

We went to party, but it wasn't good plan. Firstly I had fun with Fran but after when I was dancing, I felt dizzy and saw Leon everywhere, so we got back to home.

Violetta: I'm so sorry Fran, you didn't had fun for me.

Fran: No, don't blame yourself, I always have fun when we are together. And I understand you, I felt weird too for being on party without our sensible Leon. Come on, we will watch some movie like we did before.

Violetta: That's sounds great.

At night:

It's 3 am and someone is calling me, it's unknown number. I just hang it, but after it again start ringing. I went out from bedroom to not wake up Fran.

Violetta: Who is it, it's 3 am!

???: Violetta...

That voice, that totally sounds like Leon's voice. But it can't, cause he is dead. But that voice is his, I feel it.

Violetta: Leon?

Leon: So you still remember me.

Violetta: But how can you call me, it doesn't make sense.

Leon: I will explain you everything, just tell me in which town you are.

Violetta: Sevilla.

Leon: Than wait for me tomorrow afternoon at airport.

Than he hang it. What if just someone recorded Leon's voice and want to hurt me on airport? But, afternoon is too much people on airport. Maybe I am risking, but I need to see if it was Leon.

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