On the other side of the great mountain, it had also been a busy week. After all the running around between the four corners of civilization, things were finally coming together.
Ehryinae once again found herself following the Arch-Magus. This time around, she wasn't alone. Also present was the head disciples for the Pillar of Frost and the Pillar of Gusts. Behind them were a few members of their own Pillars, mostly for sake of ceremony. A proceeding of this magnitude had a lot of ceremony to it. The central hall of the Citadel was hardly ever used, because it was just too big, like a massive atrium. Today, it was almost ablaze with activity, mostly staff who were working to ensure everything was prepared.
Today was finally the day the four different factions would gather under one roof and discuss their mutual futures. Not even a fortnight from being sunken into the patterns of a war soon to come, things had come to a dramatic turn. She knew why, it was because the collective groups had returned empty handed but full of warnings. The warnings just began the flood, as the removal of the Wall of Silence caused further unrest. The uncivilized lands were preparing for war, and were very well prepared.
On queue, she entered the central hall with her peers, the others hanging a distance behind. The entire room was divided into four sections. She approached her designated section, and took the seat to the right of the Arch-Magus, beside the Disciple for the Pillar of Gusts, her last peer would be seated on the other side of the Arch-Magus. Directly across from her in this grand assembly was the approaching elven embassy, taking their own seats on their own side. The High-Sage was in the middle, with two members of the Circle to her one side, and a couple of the Wardens to the other. Aelyiq actually sat uncomfortably between the High-Sage and the Circle, and just behind them was an assortment of translators. On the two sides of this giant square would be representatives of both warring factions in this meeting, making sure to establish peaceful terms in this neutral environment.
On the east side were the Qiciri, almost like a geographical representation of their square. The royal family took the center of this envoy, with one side holding commanding generals of their army, and the other being represented by the Shadow Reavers. This included both Xyithy and her eldest daughter. Across from them, on the west side, sat the Wyxiri royal family, including their three sons. The eldest of the three sons preceded as the head of the Wyxiri gathering, instead of his parents, having all but given the title of king already himself. The second son sat as the head of the delegation of their army, with the third son sitting on the other side with his Crown Seekers. Everyone was present for this assembly.
"I thank everyone for taking the opportunity to gather for this occasion, despite our various differences. My citadel is glad to be host to such a significant gathering, and I am glad to offer you all my hospitality, in hopes that we can come together in this time of strife." The Arch-Magus preceded over the assembly himself, making the initial introduction. "There is much we have to discuss. I am certain by now that each of you have become aware of the situation. While some of our guests here prepared for war, others stood waiting for the moment to strike once the lands were already drowning in blood. Each of you in fact has witnesses of your own lands who have seen this first hand, including the Citadel." The Arch-Magus motioned for Ehryinae to stand.
"Envoy of the Citadel, the Pillar of Embers had set off to locate an individual of interest presented by the Arch-Magus that had departed without warning. Tracking this individual, we fell upon a group working with insufficient resources in an attempt to stop a faction of their own from developing weapons of unknown origins. These weapons are of a design never seen before, and are very advanced in nature." Ehryinae was talking as Aelyiq requested to step in. It was acknowledged. "The Elniri had from very similar circumstances visited the same scene. The individual found greeting us from an allied position was very overwhelmed and so handled us with some uncertainty, however their enemy did happen to also greet us with exceptional venom, directing their weapons to confront us directly. Against our combined might, the first threat went down easily enough."
Vitae Memorandum
AdventureFirst Book of the Mind - Celesi Veil Trilogy A Remembrance of one's Life, or a Life of one's Remembrance, four girls from different corners of a fantasy world's upper society are suddenly faced with memories of earth. A story of another world, these...