The group of eight had been surveying the area around the facility, trying to ensure they had an awareness of at least everything outside before moving inside. With the basics of the situation under control, it was time to enter the facility.
"While breaking down the door could be fun, having it in one piece is safer. We need one of the elves sending Chyurae to work on the door." Thanrie was still being uncharacteristically reasonable at this point, even if her instincts were still obvious. Having a lot of the current discussion continue in Izhaethyx still required a lot of coordination with some of their elves, but Lwyn took care of the request quietly while the others stood watch. Chyurae was at the door for a while before the door opened. Well, that went well enough.
Qheria paused at the door to evaluate the situation. She took note that the door they had just unlocked had a magnetic key-card lock. The good news was, that meant the door would lock if it was shut again. She just had no idea how Chyurae figured out how to unlock it. "We'll need a way to temporarily keep this door open, in case it locks. It looks like it only locks from the outside at least, so we can't be locked inside." They used some nearby stones to keep the door open.
Inside was absolutely dark, no way to see anything. The elves had better vision in general, but that only helped them figure out faint details better, it did nothing with pure darkness. There was the idea of using torches, but fire had already caused them some problems. The start of the facility appeared to simply be a corridor..
Mhyl was working in English, leaving Lwyn to try and translate. "So, when it comes to the threat of fire, combustion depends on the materials involved. We need to consider solids, liquids, and gases. If they have anything gas-powered, a torch could light everything up if any gas was spilled around. If there are certain fumes involved, a flame could cause an explosion. However, on the matter of solid construction, everything here looks inflammable, so that's a good start." Mhyl's overview made sense to Qheria, who had her own idea. "We could really be safe if we can ventilate the whole building? There was the main door on the other side, but that most likely has it's controls inside the building. We should try and find a way to get that open."
Lwyn had to reflect on the most sensible comment, during translations. Right after mentioning everything else in Izhaethyx, she also brought up something no one else had yet considered. ".. get it all open. You would think that they would have secured their own lighting system while using the place or something." After hearing this idea, Qheria carefully looked around again just inside the door, looking for anything that stood out. She found a heavy leaver and shifted it. A faint hum occurred within the building, and just to be certain they all moved away from it. After a while, clear pipes were filling with red light filaments.
Mhyl was marveling at the design. "Oh, so they are using hydro electrics from the river probably. Though, this isn't exactly electric lighting, it's like if steam power met some kind of neon-like gas. It seems really inefficient, but at least there is some light. Uh, actually, how is this light for humans? I shouldn't be so quick to judge things." Thanrie was letting Mhyl go off on her English rant of everything, but caught the very sensible question. "Don't worry Mhyl, there is just enough light to make the place look properly haunted without just simply being blind."
It was kinda silly, Thanrie's Terran-self reveled in horror content on the occasions, playing some very creepy shooters in the past. Her present self however wasn't as good at the creepy stuff. Japanese people in general tended to do well with low-level horror, not even believing in zombies because they always burned their dead. Her present upbringing wasn't as fortunate. It was like her past habits were telling her she had nothing to fear, while more ingrained habits were telling her that this was scary. She internally settled this logically, horror wasn't scary on earth, this wasn't earth. Horror is scary on celese, this is celese. Being scared made perfect sense.
Vitae Memorandum
AdventureFirst Book of the Mind - Celesi Veil Trilogy A Remembrance of one's Life, or a Life of one's Remembrance, four girls from different corners of a fantasy world's upper society are suddenly faced with memories of earth. A story of another world, these...