67-Mind Games

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Even though the four girls were given the opportunity to relax, they were all dedicated to spending it wisely. Qheria and Thanrie had returned to the Facility, to make sure everything was doing well with Rhyde and Zyuixqs, while Lwyn and Mhyl studied with the High-Seer.

Mhyl however was mostly a supporter of Lwyn's study, not actually having much to include herself with directly. Her mother had been vague about it, but she learned from Lwyn that there were some concerns about how this would impact her future responsibilities. The Circle elves worked in elven politics, while the High-Seer was invested into the world flow, but it was becoming clear that there would need to be someone who invested in international correspondence, especially with humans. Mhyl at least saw it that way, and had shared such views with Lwyn. Lwyn had been earnest to explain that such was alone a lot for one person, and her memories in international culture would be priceless for this idea.

Lwyn was mostly getting concerned, as her studies progressed, just how much all of this would impact Mhyl as a pure elf. She had learned that there were two ways that the flow of the world communicated with people, either through their dreams, or using the advanced depth of their elven senses. This is why every High-Seer had been an elf, in truth, because they were the only ones with strong enough senses to be able to listen. Even her half-elf senses weren't enough to throw her into that spiral, but she had quickly determined that her mother's mechanically enhanced senses might have opened that door to her. The High-Seer had explained to Lwyn that, most likely, it would not ever be her due to listen to the world, she didn't have the qualities for it. However, there would be a time when the world would simply listen to her.

Lwyn could see why this knowledge needed to be protected. Letting just any elf learn about it could haunt their life with the flow of the world, like a voice in the shadows that felt like the edges of sanity. However, if her father's legacy got into the wrong hands, hands that also knew what this book told, even humans could be thrown along this dark path. Her father didn't have access to the flow of the world, but had instead found the veil of the world, and that alone had pushed him past the limits of his sanity. It was obvious how there was such a ritual for picking a High-Seer, it was a serious thing that most people would have problems enduring.

She was herself concerned about the responsibility given to her as is, the one time she will face the flow of the world, and it will listen. She had been pondering exactly what she would say in that opportunity, what sort of answer she would give. She knew the question already, how should the world change so that her father's problem was solved. She had already chosen that his solution would not work, but would then need to provide her own solution. Though that day and much of the next, she had been left at a loss for her answer.

Mhyl had been there trying to support Lwyn, though she was herself at a loss how to honestly be of help at all. She had instead taken some opportunity with some of her own planning regarding her role going forward. When Lwyn was not in discussion with the High-Seer, Mhyl had then taken an opportunity to share time with her mother. She then learned things she had never been offered before, such as the knowledge of their family's gift. It seems her mother was especially skilled with purification, a branch of healing that was really good at dealing with things such as illnesses, but she could see how that would be useful in areas such as food preparation. Her mother had admitted to being sad that Sxeiva had fallen to an advanced poison, something the High-Seer felt she might have been able to help with, if only she had been given the chance.

Mhyl knew she would have to take stories like that into account herself, if she felt like taking agency of a cross-culture program for the elves. The biggest reason something like this had never happened before was because of a fear of half-elves, the death behind it. The whole problem of elves and humans producing a half-elf then killing the mother, she had no real solution for, but the fear around it otherwise, the spite on both sides forged from the lack of understanding, that was what she wanted to broach. She would probably need Lwyn's help with that, with the Citadel the most opportune location to connect with human society.

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