❄ Chapter 22 ❄

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The Brooklyn Bridge was lightened up as it was dark outside. The six guardians gathered near the bridge as they proudly showed their bags full of teeth in it. Nixie stood on the rightest side, next to Jack as he stood on her left. She noticed that her bag was fuller than his as she lifted an eyebrow to mock him, a chuckle escaping her mouth.

"Looks like you're gonna lose, Ice Boy."

"That's not fair!" Jack almost yelled as he couldn't hide the smirk on his face. He loved a good challenge.  "You heated multiple times!"  Nixie shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalantly manner. "I don't know what you're talking about." A smile appeared on her face as the usual dimples greeted Jack, they made eye contact as North cleared his voice, mentioning for the two to stop their talking.

Bunny who stood on the left side of Jack chuckled and elbowed him in the ribs, a yelp escaped Jack's mouth as he rubbed his rib afterwards.

Tooth who was flying a bit in the air was floating before the other five guardians as she was really excited with the outcome. "Wow! You guys, and girl-" Tooth looked at Nixie who gave the fairy a smile. "collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies!"

The five guardians looked confused at the fairy before them as their arms lowered.

"You're saying what now?" Nixie said as she ran a hand through her hair. The platinum haired teenager looked with her slightly mouth open as she looked at the woman before her. Tooth on the other hand looked quite shocked as the realization hit.

"You guys have been leaving gifts, right?" Tooth looked at them desperately.

Sandy who was almost certain that he did it the right way, nodded happily before shaking his head no when he thought about it further. They looked at each other in a pained expression.

After a couple of moments, they decided that they would get some coins at a laundromat. A blue sign that said 'Brooklyn Bridge Coin-Laundry' could be seen at the top of the door. A shiver ran down Nixie her spine as she was quite chilly.

The five guardians stood in a row, waiting for their turn to get some coins. It was Sandy's turn as he got his coins and made his way out of the laundry, floating a bit off the ground in the process.

Nixie was the last one as she stood behind North waiting. Jack was busy with grabbing his coins, as he walked past North and Nixie, he gave her a smirk.

"Good luck waiting. I'm going to win." His blue eyes sparkled full of mischief as North looked over his shoulder. Nixie looked at Jack as she responded. "Indeed, I wish you good luck too," Jack looked confused at her. "because it's impossible to win from me." A boost of confidence rushed through her body as she said those words.

"Believe me, N. I never ever lose."

"You never been against me." She replied bluntly. With that Jack left the laundry with kind of a defeated feeling as North chuckled. He looked at his housemate as Nixie still was patiently waiting for her turn. 

"What is it between you and Jack, N?"  Nixie looked upwards to meet the warm blue eyes of the colossal man. "What do you mean?" Nixie looked at North as she made her way to the laundromat to grab her coins.

"I've never seen you smiling like that... in long time." The man said in his Russian accent as Nixie held her coins in her hands, her cheeks reddened slightly. "I'm just... I- I- "Nixie stammered as she searched for her words. After a moment Nixie opened her mouth again to talk.

"Can I tell you something?" North nodded. "But you have to promise that you'll tell nobody."

"I promise on Christmas." The man stated proudly with a serious look on his face, his eyebrows kind of furrowed in a way or another. He leaned a bit towards her as he was way taller than she was.

"I have this weird feeling... it started when Jack joined our group. It's going to sound crazy but, I have this feeling that I'll know Jack from somewhere else, another time I mean."

North looked at her with wide eyes. "It sounds crazy, ri-?" Nixie chuckled as she put some hair behind her ear with her left hand. Before the teenager could say something more the man before her interrupted her. "Yee Haw! I knew it! I knew it. I knew it. I knew it!"

Nixie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked at her housemate.

"What do you mean, 'you know'" She made some hand gestures in the air as she said the last part of the sentence. North couldn't hold his smile as he patted her shoulder gently before saying.

"Is fine, is fine. Secret is fine with me." His eyes were narrow as a big smile was evident on his face. North made a gesture with his hand before his mouth as if he was zipping it.

North almost danced out of the laundry as Nixie still stood confused with the coins in her hands. She sighed as she made her way out of the building in irritated manner. "Lovely..." The teenager said grumpily.


Baby Tooth laid down as coin on the pillow below her. Jack did the same as the person before him was still sleeping.

North left some candy canes on the mattress and Bunny left three Easter eggs next to the sleeping kid. The furry rodent made his way out of the room through one of his tunnels.

Sandy entered a room when he was greeted by North lightning a whole Christmas tree in the living room. A loud laugh echoed through the room as Sandy angrily tossed his coin over his shoulder.

Nixie left one of her coins under the pillow of the child before her along with a little bouquet of flowers next to it. She smiled proudly before she left the room through the window to meet the rest of the guardians.

As all the six guardians met each other they floated, or ran, next to a window where a child was standing on his bed. Sandy waved at him in a happily manner. The child stood with his mouth wide open as a "Wow." Escaped his mouth. The bottle in his hand landed on his mattress when he dropped it in the process.

Once they were back at the Brooklyn Bridge, they stepped into the sleigh as they made their way into a portal after North's voice could be heard through the dark sky in the night.

A nightmare was standing behind a chimney as it observed the sleigh disappearing. The Nightmare whinnied as it made its way to its master, Pitch.


Back at a dark place, Pitch was standing before his own-made globe, observing it. The nightmare trotted around it as Pitch was still examining the globe.

"The lights! Why aren't they going out?" The nightmare whinnied as it communicated with its master. "They're collecting the teeth?"

All of the Baby fairies above him chittered as there was still hope for them. They're locked up in all different cages.

"Ooh, pipe down or I'll stuff a pillow in you!" Pitch said in a demanding angry manner to the fairies. He was in a bad mood after this. He growled at the nightmare beside him which transformed into a pile of sand.

The dark sand twirled around his hand as he sighed. "Fine, have your last hurrah. For tomorrow, all your pathetic scrambling will be for nothing." He crushed the sand in his hand that was a tiny version of Sandy.

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