the new girls

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I was approaching one of our suspects in an alleyway he told me to meet him in. "who are you?" he said. " a cop" i responded. I was then circled by five men. " take her" the leader demanded. All five were surrounding me. I had no other option but to fight. These pigs are gonna regret their decisions. I smirked and cracked my fists. The first one tried hitting me with a bat but I dodged, grabbed him by the arm and swung him right into some crates. The second one tried hitting me with a pole but I stopped him and hit him right back with the same pole making him smash into a table. The third tried grabbing me wrestler style but I countered his strength with mine and used him as a human shield for the fourth guy as he was about to swing a wooden stick my way. I threw the guy that i was using as a shield right at the guy trying to hit me with the wooden pole. The second guy managed to get up and hit me by surprise in the back causing me to fall to my knees. I rolled over and got up . Then he tried kicking me but I grabbed his leg and swung him behind me into the crates that I sent the first one. He did a full 180. I looked up at the suspect. I pulled my hand cuffs out. "let go"
I said breathing a little heavy. "Fuck" the suspect said before sprinting away. I wasn't about to have him get away. " Come on, I'm out of breath '' I said before sprinting after him. I chased him through the building. " You piece of shit" I yelled. He went through a door and we soon ended up on the roof. He had nowhere to run now. " Let's call it quits," I said. He pulled out a knife and said " fuck u bitch ill hack you to pieces. Come on let's go". Guess it's time to pull out the big guns. I literally pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. " Riku you're under arrest for drug trafficking " I stated. "Shoot me, " he said. I shot my gun at the air to scare him then pointed it back at him. " You're a joke, you can't do it," he said. I opened the chambers of my gun and took out all bullets but one. " The first round is always empty. There are  five chambers giving you 1 to 5 odds but you're a criminal so 2 to 5. I'll shoot twice. If I hit a live one you can say adios to this life. If I don't do well then we'll see what happens won't we." I said. I shot. No bullet. " I guess lucks on your side ,but I got another shot". He knelt down.  "I'm sorry" he pleaded. "5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .." i counted. " don't please," he said. " too late" . BOOM


*RING RING RING* ughh i hate this stupid alarm clock. shit I forgot that today is my first day at konoha high school.  CRAP I ONLY HAVE 20 MINUTES TO GET READY. Oh hey sorry i forgot u were there. Well i guess i should introduce myself. Hi, I'm Sakura Haruno. I'm 17 years old and I just moved to konoha from sunagakure. I live with my two best friends temari and tenten and my older sister usagi. I met both my best friends while I was in suna on vacation. Hah wait, that's my cover story. Most of that stuff is true but i'm actually a member of the special women's task force. That's actually how I met temari and tenten. Weve been stationed here to investigate and bring down an illegal sex cam ring. There have been cases of young girls around their twenties committing suicide. We found out that it had something to do with the illegal distribution of pornographic material. Basically girls would get drugged , rapped and filmed. Then the video would be posted on the dark web. We received information that the operators of the ring were living here in konoha. So we're here to take them down but we have to keep a low profile that way we don't look suspicious. So for now I'm just a regualr teenage transfer student. The same thing with temari and tenten. Ok now that I'm finished getting ready I'm heading down stairs to get breakfast. I grabbed a quick granola bar and went to get my bag. " TEMARI TENTEN GET UR ASS'S DOWN HERE OR WERE GONNA BE LATE TO OUR FIRST DAY''. in less than two seconds temari and tenten raced down the stairs and got in the car. We drove to school listening to some music. When we got to the school we parked in a parking space and got out. As soon as we got out we heard a bunch of girls screaming. " OMG LOOK THERE HERE" one girl said. I rolled my eyes and turned to temari and tenten. " Hey, what do you guys think they're screaming about?" I said, " I don't know and to be honest I really don't care," Temari said. " ya i have to agree with temari lets just go to the office to get our schedules" tenten remarked" i nodded and we headed into the school." Oh by the way do you guys remember that boy naruto that visited suna a couple years ago with his parents the hokage and kushina" I said. "Yea" temari and tenten said. '' well he actually goes to this school and so does ino yamanaka the girl that you guys me on our trip to kiri last year". " really? Well that's a relief. At least we got someone here that knows their way around the place. I could get lost in this school" Temari said.  As we walked through the halls I couldn't help but stare in awe about how big and beautiful it was. We finally made it to the office and we were greeted by a nice man. He had brown hair and black eyes. He told us his name was Yamato and asked us if we were the new transfer students. We nodded and he told us to follow him. He led us to a room where we met a man that looked to be in his 50s or so. He had long white hair tied in a low ponytail. he also had black eyes with two red streaks going down his face ."you must be the new transfer students" he said. We  all nodded. "Well I'm jiraiya your principal. Tsunade has told me a lot about you girls. I hope you can complete your mission. here are your schedules, have a great first day" he said. He told us our lockers were right next to each other's.  Then he told us to meet him in an hour since we were really early. Of course there were students but it's not as crowded as it will be later.

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