Lost Cats

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Rooftop has been always a place for the girls to hang out. So right after class ends, they hang out at the rooftop for a while. As usual Nini is not like the other of the girls, freely can do their things after class. She had extra classes to attend since her parents are very strict about education.

She went home first to get change and go to class. Eating a little lunch and then left since her parents are working, her brother is in college and her sister is already went to her class.

While on her way to the class, she often uses the small road at the rows of houses. It's much faster and there she can stop by to some convenience store to get her box of milk since the class will start in half an hour.

Turning around the corner she then saw two boys which she doesn't like to bump into any boys. So she just keep herself up and walk towards their direction. Doesn't even mind on what they were doing. She even open up her ears to listen to their conversation.

"Wonwoo, I guess it needs to be wash."

"yeah, it's all wet though. Doesn't it feel cold leaving open like this?"

"it's all fine I guess. Let's just get home and wash up real quick."

"yeah, I agree. It's getting hot now. Ouch!"

Nini's brain wasn't really functioning when she listened to their conversation. It's like her brain only process something dirty mind. She turn on her heels to look at those guys, they we wrapping their hands on each others shoulder.

"come on, Nini! They aren't gay! They're straight. Just go to your damn class."

Walking straight to her class without thinking about what the hell just she heard from those boys. She shrugged all of those dirty thoughts away as soon as she reached the academy.

Few hours after that, it was already the end of the class so Nini just decided to hang out at the convenience store below her academy. As she was about to sit down, her phone ranged. The screen shows a profile picture and an ID of Taeri so she pick up real quick.

"yeoboseyo. Taeri-ah?"

'where are you though? Your sister said you're not home yet.'

"I was just finished my class so I'll be a bit late. Why did you came?"

'just to talk about something. Maybe later after you reached home. Okay, bye!'

She just hung up before Nini can say a thing. She was thinking of what story that Taeri wanted to tell, she shrugged and just go home.

While in her way, she whined again after she saw that two gay boys from earlier. She try to avoid eye contact with them and then suddenly

"Moon Nini! Hey! We know that's you!" a familiar voice of the boy can be heard.

She sigh hard and slowly turn to the boys. She was about to approach them, not until the boys is Moon Junhwi and Jeon Wonwoo. The Seventeen members, so she try to avoid them.

Moon Junhwi is known as the school's sweetheart, of course all of the Seventeen members are, duhhh. But Jun was the guy who kept rejecting girls confession, he's super famous no matter how many girls he had rejected.

While Jeon Wonwoo, he's known for his type of guy who always emotional. His cold gaze can melt girl's heart but it did scared them including the boys when he just look at them. Like how you see the grim reaper look at you, waiting to take your soul, that's how Wonwoo's gaze will give you goosebumps. Not just that, the rumours of Wonwoo is a gay also makes the students felt curious.

"yah! Moon Nini!" I ignored them again.

"please help us. We've lost a cat we found earlier this evening. Have you seen it?" Wonwoo said in a sad tone.

Wait. A cat. During this evening. She turn her heads to them as they were worriedly searching everywhere for the lost cat. She knew she shouldn't be helping any of these boys cause they are sure declared themselves as enemy but seeing they were searching their cat looks very pitiful.

Nini approach them slowly, carefully so she wouldn't get into any traps or trouble. So the earlier evening conversation between these two boys are about cat? She sighed in relief, her dirty thoughts are absolutely wrong.

"you found a cat here at this lane?" she asked.

"yeah, the cat was all wet and it was a hot day. So we don't want the cat to be expose with too much heat." Jun explained. He seems like a soft hearted at this time.

"I guess I have an idea." the two boys look at each other when Nini pull out a cat toy from her bag. They did look confused.

"relax, my bag pack is like a Doraemon's pocket. Don't worry." she then ring the bell of the toy.

At first, nothing was heard so they planned on giving up. Making both of Jun and Wonwoo turn sad but then they heard a meowing from somewhere which caught their attention. Wonwoo quickly snatch the bell and ring it again.

A white and black coloured cat then appeared out of nowhere. They cheered happily as Jun pick the cat up and carry it around. Wonwoo pass the bell back to Nini.

"thank you for helping. I guess we got you late to your home, mind if we-"

"ah, that's okay. I can walk all by myself. Your welcome anyway." she was about to leave not until Jun called her again. She turn around.

"maybe you can come by tomorrow before going to school at MoonJeon Cattaker."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" she asked again. To make things clear that she didn't misheard anything this time.

"MoonJeon Cattaker. Me and Jun have been open up a cat shop for cat hotels, grooming and for stray cats. Since you helped us, why don't you become one of our staff." Wonwoo offered, handing her a business card.

"oh, I see. I- I'll think about it later. Bye!" she immediately left those guys.

After halfway from them, she finally can walk slowly and calmly. She take back the business card and read the information clearly. The cat shop just opened about 2 weeks before the school started.

She do love cats but since those are the members of Seventeen, she can't either choose, to be the staff of the place or not. She shrugged those questions away and just walk home.

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