Should've Understand

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Hearing Yeollie got sent to the medical room, the Crystal members rushed up to the room during recess.

"yah, Shin Yeollie... Why didn't you tell us that you had hemoptysis?" Nini asked worriedly. Yeollie slowly sit herself up.

"I didn't know anything. I just had that last night but I didn't think it was bad.. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"who brought you here?" Taeri asked.

"Hoshi. He was in the same set class as me."

They all sighed hard, worrying that Yeollie might've be having the sickness even worse before they can reached their 11th grade.

"go on for recess. I'll be fine."

They all just agree and went out to eat their lunches. Then both both Seungcheol and Vernon stopped Jia midway. Jia only signalled the girls to go on without her first.

"what do you guys want?" They both nugded each other.

"hey, I don't have time for you guys okay?"

"what's up with Wonwoo?" Seungcheol voiced out.

Jia look at them, biting her lips but no words coming out. She hadn't talk to Wonwoo eversince he did her dirty on that day. She knew she believes that Woozi actually do loves her unlike other boys that flirted with her.

"why did you asked me? I didn't even date him anymore."

"so that's why he was acting weird." Vernon voiced out. Jia frowned, feeling weird on why the hell did he suddenly acting weird.

She sighed hard and walk away, feeling annoyed to answer those questions when it comes to the person that played with her heart for nothing. Woozi did warn her on their first day of relationship but she thought that he was joking.

Instead, he wasn't. Jia learnt that dating the person who never had a relationship before is way better than dating a guy who date a lot of woman before.

After having hee lunch, she excused the girls and didn't go straight to the class. But visiting Woozi's studio for a while. When she's there, shockingly Joshua was there too but Jia try to ignore him.

"oh you came? I heard that Yeollie got sent to the hospital during lunch, why?" Woozi asked, eyes stick on Jia while she's walking in towards the desk.

"yeah, she was diagnosed with hemoptysis. She coughed out blood since last night but didn't tell why."

Listening to that, Joshua was shocked for a while. He suddenly felt a bit of a guilty to hear that, he broke up with her for just a few seconds of scene that both Mingyu and her kissed and never listen to her explanation.

He was too judgemental that he doesn't want to listen to other people's word. Joshua was way too worried that he got up from the couch and left the studio. Jia noticed that and turn to Woozi real quick.

"phew.. I did say that out loud purposely."

"really? I thought you got hearing problems that makes you speaking to loud."

"was that supposed to be a joke or..." Jia squint her eyes and look Woozi with a glare.

"umm... Nope." he giggled that only earned a light punch from Jia.

Apart from that, Joshua quickly ran to his class and towards where Nini and Taeri sit. He looks a bit shock and worried making the girls looking at him weirdly.

"where's Yeollie? I need to see her now."

"oh she..."

"she got sent to the hospital. I'll tell the teacher why you're not in class later, so go and see her before anything happens." Hoshi cuts Nini's words with him whispering to Joshua and tap his shoulder lightly.

Joshua immediately call his driver to come and pick him up, drive him to the hospital. Waiting the driver for so long, he can't be more patient so he force himself to run all the way to the hospital.

He can't think of anything else, he felt so guilty when he didn't hear Yeollie's explanation. He should have thought of the sickness first before immediately make a decision of breaking up.

The fact that he also promised that he will always be by Yeollie's side when he actually the only person to acknowledge that she was diagnosed with hemoptysis. Not just that, all of the other members also doesn't know one thing.

They promised each other never told anyone about this one until the secret was blown up lightly. Which is Yeollie's current pregnancy.

It has been few weeks already after Joshua caught something suspicious to Yeollie when they always spend their weekends over each other's house.


Like always during weekends, Joshua's routine is to go to Yeollie's house and have a sleepover there. Mr. and Mrs. Shin really adored Joshua and even already put up an engagement date for them.

After dinner, both of them cuddled on bed watching netflix and eating snacks.

"have you told your parents yet that you kept on coughing without any symptoms of flu or fever? Don't get me worried about the illnesses." he said, munching the potato chips.

"I did, we even went to a family hospital. They said that I didn't diagnosed with any illness. Maybe my throat was sore and dry."

"okay. Have you taken the medica--"

"wait.. I need to throw up..." she rolled down the bed quickly and went inside her bathroom.

Hearing Yeollie throwing up, it got a light up of an attention to Joshua about her current condition. She had been throwing up ever since last weekend and he only thought that maybe she was having an upset stomach.

But then something come up to his mind. He searched up few of her cupboards even her closet and lastly is her nightstand. At first, he wasn't that shock to see a box of pregnancy test. Maybe she use this to check on why she was having an irregular period for safety.

Joshua would also thought that maybe the result were negative but his heart dropped when he found out that the test was opposite. Positive. The two red lines were visible.

"J-..Joshua?" he raised his head as soon as Yeollie stepped out of the bathroom. Her voice were shaky, showing how nervous she is that Joshua found the pregnancy test and the result is positive.

"why didn't you tell me? How long has it been?" he asked. Yeollie can't either tell if he's angry, sad, upset, worry, disappointed or nothing. She gulped and pick on her nails nervously, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Yeollie..." she shut her eyes close and sigh hard before tears starts to flood at the corner of her eyes.

"it's already passed 3 weeks. I was terrified when I kept on vomiting these past few days so I use the pregnancy test. I even went to the clinic by myself so that no one would know and the doctor said it's already 2 weeks and half." her voice cracked.

"I didn't remember if I take the pills or not on the day we do it... I didn't tell you because I was too scared. Scared that if you would leave me because I'm pregnant." she cried silently, cupping her cheeks as she felt embarrassed.

Joshua sighed, putting the thing back where it was placed and didn't even hesitate to pull Yeollie in his embrace. He caress her hair softly, kissing her forehead.

"I won't leave you with this baby alone. It's not your fault yet it's mine. Even if you take the pills, I should have a second protection in case." she sobbed.

"now that you're pregnant, this baby in you is also mine. My bloodline. I promise to stay by your side all the time no matter what."

She nodded then Joshua release the hug and look straight into her eyes.

"I don't want you to do an abortion, we will have to keep this a secret as long as we can from others even your friends. Okay?" she agreed.

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