Jun Got Snapped

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Jun run around the school just to look for Taeri. He had been really busy with his academics, projects and some dance tutorials for other art school.

Since Taeri is his English class partner, he indeed needs her help on completing the tasks on her own because of his fully paled schedule. Glad he found her in editing room.

"Hwang Taeri, glad you're here! Can you help me out with the English tasks?" he asked, a bit stuttering from the intense running around the school.

"but this is your section and you need to complete it on your own." she said, feel a bit annoyed.

"ah! But I have packed schedules, please I'm begging you to help." he pleaded.

"no! You have been repeating the same thing over and over again. Asking me to do your section as it's mine. I have lots of schedule too to handle Moon Junhwi, it's you who can handle things perfectly as it is were. Do things on your own and stop counting om others." she packed her stuff and left.

Jun was left unspoken. She had never protest or make a fuss about when he kept asking Taeri to help or more likely to do his works because he's lazy. But now, she just sound him up and make her feel shirty over him.

He feels very guilty for every act he has caused especially burdening her even though his schedule wasn't actually packed at all. Due to his laziness, he just don't want  to focus on the academics and just on arts but it burdened people who partner up with him.

"bro, you should be more responsible and learn as a student. Not as a douchbag who messing peoples up, Hwang Taeri isn't your maid to do those works that has been given." Seungcheol open his mouth as he enters the editing room.

"I'm sorry about that." Jun look down. Seungcheol stop on his heels and turn around to Jun.

"say that to her. I'm not Hwang Taeri."

Jun nodded and went out of the room, searching for Taeri again. He was hell tired from the intense running just to search for Taeri but nothing seem to be easy, her figure is still unseen.

He took a few minutes to just walk calmly and think of what he should do. He had been wasting other peoples time just to do his part of work and nobody has ever stopped or sound him about that.

It's probably because the girls are all whipped for her and they would willing to anything if the boys asked. But ever since started the 10th grade, he and Taeri are in the same separate group.

He would always give excuses to not do his part and give it to Taeri and do his work. Yet before, she never complained. Not today. It's a very bad day for him that prove he is burdening others, Taeri make him realise that he had been doing that for such a long time already.

His mind was blank for a second, so he leaned back on the wall at the hallway. Think of something. Jun look around if there's someone who he's familiar with to help him up. Not for the work bit for his disciplinary. There's Jia walking by with Wonwoo.

"yah, Young Jia. Sorry to interrupt you both but I need to see you for second." he asked desperately holding Jia's hands. Wonwoo look at him, irritated.

"hey, mind get your hands of hers. Her boyfriend was right in front of you." Wonwoo said as he let Jun's hands away from Jia.

The words that came out from Wonwoo's mouth did really a bolt out of the blue when Jun heard that. He even look at Jia with her, of course, calm yet pretty face.

"you guys are dating?" Jia shushed him before others can hear.

"oh okay. Sorry Wonwoo but this is an urgent stuff I need help from her."

"woah, calm your eagerness down. She's not going anywhere without me." Wonwoo still defending Jia.

"okay fine but just follow me please? I begged you two." Jia and Wonwoo look at each other for quite a second before they give each other an approval look.

Jun brought them to the empty class away from other students. His mind was a bit messed up, walking around and thinking.

"what is it, Jun? You didn't seem like you're okay." Jia asked.

Jun stopped and look both Jia and Wonwoo. He took a deep breath and pull a chair, sitting in front of them. He was out of mind now.

"did you do something wrong?" Jia asked again. He answered with a nod.

"I don't know but I feel like I kept on burdening people around me." he said.

"tsk, you are Jun. Remember when it's your turn to clean up the cat litter box but you suddenly disappear. Chan had to do that all  by himself and you appeared back from a convenience store after that."

"hey, at least I did it."

"once in every time we need to clear that box. But never once in this year." he look away, feeling embarrassed.

"you always did the 'lazy-familiar-old-excuses' as your weapon to give something a miss. Seventeen knows your usual self Moon Junhwi." he sighed as he heard those complaints of Wonwoo.

"relax, okay. What just happened?" Jia asked, putting Wonwoo in his calm.

"I got snapped by Taeri. I asked her to do my part of work but then she got angry and point out the things that I always do which is what Wonwoo had mentioned. So I find myself a bit guilty by it."

"and you want to apologise to her about that but you can't because you're too self guilt?" he nodded.

"that's okay. Taeri is not someone who is easy to hold onto her anger for that long. She's pretty annoying at times and she's easy to forgive people. Just go and confront her. She'll understand."

Jun nodded and was about to leave but he stopped at the door. Looking back at Jia and Wonwoo, with a stupid smirk on his face.

"you didn't tell how you two got to be with each other. Mind sharing?" he cocked his eyebrows twice before earning a glare from Wonwoo. He just laugh and run away to meet Taeri.

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