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We all walked back onto the ship, first thing that happened was that Kendra punched Rip in the face.

" My son is hurt because of you!! Who attacked us?!" Kendra practical yelled at Rip who was kind of backed up against the wall.

" Well its kind of a big story..." Rip started before Sara hit him in the face once again.

" Will you girls stop hitting me!" Rip yelled at us.

" Start telling the truth!!!" All three girls yelled at once.

" I gave up my spot as a timemaster so I clould stop Vandel from ruling the world. " Rip said to us. I walked up to him tossed him against the wall.

" You lied about us being legends." I yelled.

" well I had to, you barely said yes to it is. Plus Ihad to choose people who wouldn't affect the timeline of anything bad did happen." Rip said.

" if you would like to choose, if you want to stay or not then I will give as much time needed." Rip continued.

we looked at each other and left the room, I went to my room and sat on the floor looking at my photos of my family, when another knock on my door happened, instantly know who it was going to be, I got up and walked over to the door and opened it.

"What do you want." I asked.

" just came to check on you." Snart said and he walked in and sat next to my book and flipped through my pages and looked at my family.

"Who's this?" He said pointing to my mum.

" that's my mother,she  was killed the day after I was born. I never got the chance to meet her properly, she was killed by Mudusa, she was trying to  come after me. But my mum got in the way and got turned to stone, and now she's still after me." I replied.

I was know silently crying next to Snart, he placed a hand shoulder pulled me in for a hug. I sat there in tears. Placing my head on his shoulders, "thank you," I smiled.


We all walked back to the main room and stood in front of Rip.

"So what are your choices?" Rip asked.

"We are in," everyone said at once

" Well I guess we can go to our next mission then." Rip said to us. We all got on our seats and and time traveled  to Norway.

" There will be a black market he today and Savage will be one of the buys." Rip said.

" I swear if I have been to this black market, I'm going to be really annoyed." I said as I left the room to the room that makes us clothing.

Well if course Snart is the one in charge, we got up to the door and the gaurd looked at me and allowed me in but not the rest if they didn't have their id cards. Well after a really long wait they finally came in.

" How come you got in?" Stein asked.

" In this time I worked here and I never made it, so they think that this is me right now." I replied dryly.


Well it went absolutely horrible, we got caught them all hell broke loose. The nuclear bomb even exploded then we had to get out of there. Now we are on the ship in very bad trouble right now, it turns out that Ray had lost a peice of his suit and Kendra had found a peice of papper that has a dagger on it, which could be used to kill Savage.


I need your help!! I would like to know if you want a second book on this, or, a new book on a different goddess about this. Thanks for 50 view guys that means a lot.

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