Let the truth be told

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Hayley P.O.V

I felt the lava go through my skin and I felt all my strength come back to at once. I feel myself turn into the Queen of the Underworld once more.

I fly out of the lava pit and hover over the bridge that I saw Snow Cone stand on. I know he may of just saved my life and all but I'm always going to be the out right mean, cruel and amazing criminal that no one can catch, not even the Flash could.

I fly down and barley hover above the ground, I lift my hand out and wave it to the side, creating a fiery partical, that creates another portal back to the Waverider. I look at snow cone and move my head to show that he nneds to go through it.

" I will come back, but I need a few answers from my father." I say to him, who was clearly confused about the situation. All I got was a nod as a relpy, snow cone then walks thorough the portal closing once he is out the other end.

I fly throughout the whole of Hell to find where my father is. I eventually find myself in front of the place I called home, knocking on the door once , then twice, then finally the door opened to reveal my father.

He first looks at me with a smile then slowly hugged me really awkwardly, considering we don't hug that often. He then leads me inside the house, only to be soon hugged by my little brother and sister. After a few minutes of hugging, I walk to the living room and sit down on one of the couches. I then have one of the 4  hell hounds come in and sit next to me, leaning against me.

" Hayley I have some really important to tell you about our family," he blurts out randomly. I then guve him the look to say 'keep going'.

" you see before you were born, your mother and I had a Son, we named him Jacob, he soon fell on love with a woman in ancient Egypt, they both eventually got married and had a son named Vandel Savage, taking the last name of his mother. But as Vandel got older, he became more and more dangerous. This eventually lead to Vandel to kill his mother and father, Vandel then became the bew ruler of Egypt." My father says to me. There was no words that I could say.

" your telling me that this whole time, my mission was to kill my own nephew that I didn't even knew existed." I say, absolutely heart broken. Not only because I now have to kill someone who is family to me, but by the fact my father jept this big secret away from me.

I stand from my seat and look at my father, " you never come near me again! Don't come to me and say that you are sorry, because I know underneath this act of yours you don't actually love me or Jacob or any of is. So stay away!" I scream at him.

I go to the front doors and step outside to spread my wings and fly away from this. I go to the same bridge as before and create another portal to the Waverider. I step through the portal and watch as the portal closes in front of me.

I walk through the Tin-can and make my way to the main room to find everyone there, exept birdie, they all have their backs to me. I clear my throat so people know that I'm here, they all turn their heads to me and look at me.

" Mrs. Pluto, may I ask how you are not in pain anymore?" Captain Hook said to me.

" well Snow Cone here helped me go back to the Underworld and I went into one of the lava pits and then regained my strength......I also learnt a family secret that I think all of you would like to know about." I take a deep breath. They all gave me a nod to continue.

" My father told me that I had an loder brother, Jacob, he then fell on love with woman in Ancient Egypt. They had a son named.... Vandel Savage. " I say to them. All of there faces are either shocked or speechless.

I soon get ready for the loads of questions I'm  about to get. This is going to be a really awkward day for me and maybe for the rest of my life.


Sorry for how short it is. Just needed to get something out. Once again sorry for how long it has taken me but it is here. Hopw you all are staying safe everything.


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