━━━ 01. first day troubles

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|chapter one:: first day troubles|

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|chapter one:: first day troubles|

3 months later

NOTHING was the same anymore and everyone knew it. The weather was different, the food was different, the tv show you laughed at and binged on repeat for months is now different. People walked in the streets with a dull look in their eyes, all feeling for a positive change, but we all knew it wasn't coming. We just knew it would get worse from here on out.

"Mom!" I bellowed as I searched through the stacked up boxes furiously, "Mom!"

"Yes, Adriana, I heard you the first time." My mom suddenly said as she came into view, "What is it?"

"I can't find my uniform," I told her as I continued searching all the boxes in my room, "The box literally said 'uniform'."

"Well, mija, if you unpacked when I asked you to, you would have found it like Guzman already did," She remarked and I huffed heavily, showing that I wasn't in the mood, "Maybe the movers confused the boxes, okay? It probably downstairs with Marina's uniform."

I hesitated at her name as I looked in another box. I looked at my mom, and she gave a sympathetic smile before walking off. I sighed to myself, knowing I had to head downstairs to get my uniform. It sucked that we had to move, but none of us could stand walking around that house anymore. It was just too much to handle.

I went to the basement and seen more boxes, causing me to let out an exaggerated groan. I didn't want to do this. I would rather search for another hour hopelessly for a tiny pin than look through more boxes. I looked through the labelled boxes, until I saw two boxes with the words 'uniform', which made me almost jump for joy.

I quickly opened the first box, though once I did, I noticed it wasn't my uniform. It was Marina's.

"Since when did people stop waiting for a response, Marina?"

"Since it's the first day back to school!"

I picked up the blazer that was on top and held it in my hands, smiling to myself.

"I'll buy you a coffee on the way."

I then opened one eye at her offer, "Iced?"

She hummed, "With cream and everything else you desire."

A soft chuckle escaped me, but I jumped a little when I heard footsteps slowly make their way downstairs. I glanced back to see Guzman, though he looked different. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Mom said to hurry up, breakfast is getting cold," He sighed, looking around the room briefly before going back upstairs. He dreaded coming back to school more than anyone and it showed.

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