━━━ 07. happy birthday, i'm sorry

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|chapter seven:: happy birthday, i'm sorry|

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|chapter seven:: happy birthday, i'm sorry|

"WHY do you keep insisting that I know something," I groaned, rubbing my eyes with exhaustion, "I don't know where Nano or Sammy is, nor do I care."

"But wasn't Samuel your friend once?" She wondered, staring me down.

"Yeah once, but now every time I look at him, I see Marina, and every time I come across Nano, I think of him as her killer," I seethed, "So you can see why I just want to leave. If I'm clearly useless in this investigation, why do you keep asking me questions?"

"Everyone is getting questioned, Adriana," She assured, "And we only just started."

I rolled my eyes and slouch in the chair, "Fine, because all we're going to be doing is wasting my time and yours."

She stared at me for a moment, a small sympathetic smile on her face meeting my cold stare, "Are you okay, Adriana?"

"I'm fine," I huffed, "Why is everyone being, like, so dramatic?"

"Maybe because of what happened earlier," She stated, "Tell me, what did happen earlier?"

"Here," I tell Guzman and he looked up from his textbook to see the coffee in my wrapped up hand that was extended out to him. When I punched Nic, it seemed I punched him too hard and hurt my middle finger, causing me to wear a splint and ace band.

"What's this for?" He asked, taking it with caution as they hallways were beginning to fill up. Both Guzman and I left the house early, though I forgot about my coffee and couldn't get one another until lunch, which caused me to get one for him too.

"I heard you come in pretty late last night," I shrugged before eyeing him, "Please, don't tell me you were at Lu's, I've dealt with enough of her crying."

"I wasn't," He assured, sipping the coffee, "I think she hates me."

"Yeah, I think so," I agreed as I sat next to him in the hall chairs. He looked at me with raised brow, so I laugh, "Did you forget we were best friends, Guzman?"

"Oh yeah," He laughed lightly, closing his textbook, "You hate me too?"

I shook my head, "No, I just hate how I'm stuck listening to her rant about you cheating all the time." He lowered his head, rubbing his temple, "Is that why you're out here instead of at lunch with us?" I asked and he gave me a look, "She's going to get over it, Guzman."

"I know, it's just that I hated how our break up went," He sighed, before eyeing me, "It's just that I was falling out of love with her," He explained and I turned my body to him fully as he spoke, "I was grateful for her being there for me these past few months, but I just don't feel the same way I used to with her."

"Because you're feeling it with Nadia now?" I wondered and when he gave a hesitant nod, I smiled at him, "You know I'm okay with whatever you do, Guzman, as long as it means you're happy."

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