━━━ 10. the return pt.1

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|chapter ten:: the return pt

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|chapter ten:: the return pt.1|

"SO," Guzman started, looking over at me as the police searched our grandparents house.

"So?" I retorted and he looked around, before looking at me with a raised brow, "I told him to hide. He should be fine."

He nodded, but sighed, "I wasn't talking about that. I wanted to know about Ander, how is he?"

I tensed up at his name, placing my hand over my chest where my necklace was, "Fine, I guess."

He furrowed his brows and looked at me cautiously, before noticing my hand, "Adriana, don't tell me that he-"

"He knew," I huffed out, watching the police walk around, continuing with their search, "He knew everything and didn't say anything. He's been lying to us, just like them," Tears welled up in my eyes, but I maintained them as my voice croaked, "He lied to me, Guzman."

Guzman suddenly pulled me into a hug, cooing me so I could calm down, "This is all going to be over soon. I promise."

I nodded into his chest, sniffling softly, "I know... I know."

2 weeks later

"I hope this color isn't too flashy," Lu said as she held out her hand, showing off her new peach nails. I chuckled, keeping my hands on the wheel glancing at my new pedicure as well.

"It fits you," I complimented as I smiled at my nude nails, "I just wished we stayed longer."

"Yes, I feel like our trip was rejuvenating," She agreed, "You know, we could go back for summer break." I grinned at the idea because I loved how much fun I had with Lu over break. We headed to Monte Isola, but it was just going to be her going by herself until she believed I needed time away from home. I couldn't refuse the offer because I really did need it.

It's been weeks since I broke up with Ander, yet at times he would still try to call me or text me to apologize up until a week ago. And like had Samuel believed, Carla did make a confession about the night Marina died, admitting that Polo killed her, causing him to be detained until they found the murder weapon. I don't know if Ander told to police either, to add on to Carla's statement, but seeing as Polo is still being detained instead of arrested, I doubt it.

"Ah, we're here." Lu sighed, looking up at Las Encinas, "Doesn't it make you want to vomit?"

"Very much so," I agreed, parking the car before we got out. I grabbed my coffee, before Lu came around and linked her arm with mine. I smiled, instantly thinking of Marina and our first day back, "Thankfully, school is only eight hours out of a 24 hour day."

She groaned at my recitation, "Really, because it feels way longer." I laughed at her words briefly as we walked inside the school and to my locker, "Look, I know you told me never to ask-"

"Yes, so don't." I cut off, but she went on against my words.

"How are you feeling, Adriana?" She still asked and I looked at her as I opened my locker.

I let out a sigh, but smiled, "I'm fine, actually. Better than I felt two weeks ago, which is an improvement."

"Maybe it's the tan," She joked and I roll my eyes playfully. She was about say something else, but she groaned excessively and I turned to see Nic making his way toward us, "To think our girl time wasn't going to be ruined," I chuckled lightly as she stepped away when he approached, "I'll see you in class, Ana."

"See you!" I said back before she walked off and Nic stood in her place, "Hey."

"Hey, happy new years." He greeted and I hummed, "How was your break?"

"It was the three R's," I claimed and he furrowed his brows as I shut my locker, "Relaxing, rejuvenating, and restful."

"Sounds amazing," He commented, fixing the strap on his bag a bit before taking the coffee out of my hand to drink it. He hummed at the taste, meeting my glare, "This is good, almond?"

I nodded, snatching my coffee back, "Yes and it's mine, thank you." Before I left with Lu on vacation, Nic was also trying to make amends with me and I allowed him to since I needed all the friends I could get since I only had Lu, Samuel and my brother now. "What did you do for break?"

"Listen to my dad complain on and on about Carla and her choices," He rolled his eyes, pushing himself off of the locker as we began walking to class, "I'm just glad to be back."

I raised a brow, "Why?"

He shrugged before looking over at me, "Because I get to see you now, Addy." I playfully rolled my eyes and he grinned, but I froze a bit when I saw Ander up ahead. He was just closing his locker, but he turned his head and met my eyes before I looked back at Nic as he spoke again when we continued walking, "I think today is going to be a good day."

"How so?" I asked, walking past Ander, though a part of me wanted to look back. He looked restless, like these past two weeks he had just stayed up with not even an ounce of sleep-

Adriana, don't. Don't care for him anymore.

"Because, we get -" He paused, looking up the stairs with his full attention, "Scratch that.."

I furrowed as he mumbled lowly before I follow his gaze up the stairs to see the one person I didn't expect to see in a very long time from now: Polo. He held onto his bag straps tight as he walked down the stairs and my chest tightened with anger.

What the fuck.

I clenched my jaw and I could see Nic looking at me, "Addy, whatever you're thinking about doing right now don't." I stepped forward a bit, but Nic gently held me back by my arm, "Adriana-"

I angrily tossed down my coffee onto the floor, having its contents spill everywhere before Polo met my cold eyes, "You.." I spoke out, pulling my arm from Nic before speeding toward Polo, who looked at me with slight fear, "You fucking son of a bitch!"


{author's note:: soooo i feel like i love this book way more than the first one because it had way more drama between Ander and Adriana and their relationship was literally up and down every chapter.

what do you guys think is going to happen for the third book (YES THERE IS GOING TO BE A THIRD ONE), i'm really excited to write it! i think the only downside is that when i finish the third one, i'm going to have to wait for season four to come out which hopefully is at the end of the year because season three came really quick

i really hoped you guys liked this book and the series, i feel like i'm rushing through it, but let me know what you guys think!!}

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