━━━ 09. tell me anything but

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|chapter nine:: tell me anything but|

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|chapter nine:: tell me anything but|

"ADRIANA," I heard someone call and I turn to my left to see Samuel coming up to me. I rolled my eyes about to walk off with my glass, but he grabbed my arm to stop me, "Please, Adriana, I need to tell you something."

I look around the event, noticing every talking to each other still, before I discreetly pull my arm from him, "If it's about what you told Guzman, then save your breath. He told me."

"Then you also know I tried to go to the cops and they did nothing?" He wondered and I nodded.

"It's because you have no true evidence, Sammy," I told him, looking down at my glass, "How do you expect us to know your telling the truth, huh? What if you're just lying to fuck with our heads?"

"I know you both gone through a lot, but I wouldn't lie about this," He explained, "Not to you." I then meet his eyes, when he sighed, "It's fine if you don't believe me-"

"I do," I admitted and looked around the room, "I've been trying to do my own investigation, even if meant I didn't sleep for three days, but I believe you now."

He nodded, "I'm glad because besides Marina, you were my friend too once," I smiled at him a bit, before glancing at my glass again, "I want justice for her and I know you do too, Adriana."

I raised a brow at him, "Then what do you suppose we do?"

"First," He began, glancing behind him briefly before motioning over to Guzman, "First, you have to get your brother on board."

66 hours later

"Do you have any evidence against me?" I asked the detective, "Because all you got was Samuel's cellphone at my grandparent's old house."

"I'm not trying to convict you, Adriana," She assured me, "I'm just trying to find him."

I sighed, "Well, like I said for the fifth time to you, I don't know anything and I seriously don't care. He could of killed my sister for all I know, so why would I give a shit about him?" She didn't say anything, so I push out my chair with a grin, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go continue my conversation with my boyfriend- the one you clearly interrupted."

I wait for her to nod before I got up from the chair and left the room. When I did, I noticed Guzman walking down the hallway, with a smile and his jacket when he seen me, "Later, sis."

"Later." I smiled back before he continued down the hall until he was gone. He got interviewed before me, so he was free to leave.

I walked back into class and sat next to Ander, kissing his cheek as he furrowed his brows at me, "What happened?"

"Nothing worth mentioning," I sighed, glancing back at Lu and Carla, who was talking amongst themselves, "You still going to the party tonight?"

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