━━━ 02. drugs and alcohol

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|chapter two:: drugs and alcohol|

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|chapter two:: drugs and alcohol|

"ARE you going?" I heard from above and I looked up from my salad to Niccoló, who quickly sat in the seat next to me, which is usually Ander's.

"Going where?" I asked, looking at the door as Ander came in and seen Niccoló in his original seat. He furrowed his brows and looked at me, but I shrugged before he sat next to Polo, which was across from us.

"To the club, silly. The party Valerio is throwing," He emphasized, "We can catch up and party until are legs feel like jelly, like old times."

"I think we're a little too old to party like that now," I chuckled at the thought, "But yeah, I'm going. Ander is making me." I motioned back at Ander, who was talking to Polo, but glancing over at us.

"Oh, so you replaced me with another boy best friend, Addy?" He questioned, exaggeration in his actions as he put his hand over his heart, "So soon?"

"He's not my boy best friend," I assured him, looking at Ander, "He's my boyfriend, Nic."

His eyes instantly go wide as he lowered his hand, "Wow, Guzman barely let you talk to guys let alone have a boyfriend. He used to hate when I was around you."

"Used to?" I retorted, "He wanted to flip you off earlier."

"And he's not the only one," Polo intervened, and I give him a look.

Nic only laughed, "I thought that was his gesture of love. I was gone for a while."

"Yeah, but not much changed." I shrugged, eating my salad.

"I can see that," He nodded slowly, "Polo is still someone's lapdog, Guzman still has his pent up anger, and you still look gorgeous."

I froze as I Ander's gaze, who quickly joined the conversation, "So, Niccoló, how was boarding school?"

"Surprisingly fun, but only because Valerio and I had our own." He smirked and Ander raised his brows with fake amusement.

"Hmm, I can only imagine," Ander hummed, faking interest, "I just hope you're laying off the hard stuff now. Isn't that what got you sent away anyways?"

Nic looked at Ander, his smirk fading away, so I clapped my hands, "I can't wait for the party. I've been in mood for a distraction."

Nic then looked at me, a wide smile now on his face, "Well, Addy, that's what best friends are for." He then glanced at Ander, "Isn't that right, Ander?" Ander only gave a small smile that he forced on before talking to Polo again.

Ander never liked Niccoló, along with Guzman because Nic was just trouble. He always used to get me involved in crazy shit, like parties and arrests before his parents sent him away. He was the complete opposite of Carla, besides being stuck up, being more of Valerio's other half instead. Guzman didn't like Valerio either, so their presence instantly was very disconcerting.

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