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Familiarity. Love. Warmth. Home.

That's how Loki saw this place. Sure, the memories weren't the best, but... he was happy. He was in love. He was home. And that can't replace anything. Sure, he had two brilliant boyfriends. But was that love? No. He loved them both. But not in that way. He was just desperate for love, and they were both willing to give him some. And he wasn't stupid. He knew that they didn't love him either. He was just a stupid obstacle in their love.

And now he'd put them in danger.

Maybe love just wasn't for him.

As he walked down the hall, down to the familiar room he once stood proud in, he couldn't ignore the memories. He could ask if it was ever possible to return, but he knew the answer.

If he was willing to go through all this to get Loki's attention, then he was welcome back.


He walked past all of the drunken dancers, who all stopped to stare at him. They remembered. He saw the guards stand tall, seeming surprised to see him. He saw the familiar faces of those he knew, and those he considered friends.

He'd missed them.

Why did things end so badly?

As he walked down the hall, remembering all of the dates. All of the trips to the park. The trips to different planets, only to cause mischief. The happiness he felt. The love he'd only come to forget. The protection he longed for. The trust he would always try to break but only got stronger.

This man was his home. Whether or not they stayed on this planet or returned to Earth...

He'd be home.

He grabbed a drink, needing something to calm his nerves. He hadn't forgotten. How could he? His true love. Sure, he'd used others in attempt to forget. Did he regret that? Yes. But he needed to move on. But now... maybe he didn't.

As he drank the drink as quick as he could, feeling the familiar icy feeling run down his body, he knew he could do it. He had to.

He carried on with his walk. He was sure the word of his arrival had spread. Not that he needed that. He probably knew the moment Loki stepped on the planet. He didn't need any words. He just needed confirmation.

Once he reached that room. That dreaded room... the room filled with hostility yet love. Pain yet happiness. Sorrow yet... home.

He saw the man that he had to call his true love. The one that accepted him. The only one to accept him. The only one to see him for who he really is. The one who broke his heart in ways he never expected. The one who caused him pain in ways he'd never felt. And even though he tried to hide all those emotions with a smirk, they all came out as he spoke.

"Miss me?"


"I can't go back without answers. I can't promise to keep this a secret. I expect you understand."

This conversation had been going on for a while. En had let Bucky and Clint go back to Earth, and Loki stayed stayed so they could chat. Of course, over drinks. Loki didn't think he could face the pain without a couple shots.

En hadn't changed. He looked exactly how he did all those centuries ago. Well, his hair had improved. Loki was grateful for that.

"I- Uh, I know. And I'm sorry. I, I really am." En replied, genuinely seeming sincere. Something that Loki had never seen from him. "I know that this, Uh, this isn't ideal. At all. And I, I really appreciate that. I just... you know how it is." He tried to laugh it off, but when he caught Loki's stare he immediately stopped.

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