Chapter 8

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Twilight: Any idea on how those decorations changed color?

Applejack: Maybe someone just painted them.

Pinkie: Girls! *pant, pant, pant* Dashie's right! I'm in danger!

The other girls glanced at each other and started laughing.

Twilight: Oh Pinkie, that's a good one!

Fluttershy: It is a little funny.

Rainbow: She's not playing, guys. The book is green!

Applejack: What does that have to do with anything?

Rainbow: C'mon, I'll show you.

Rainbow Dash brought the girls to the soccer field where Pinkie left the book, they were surprised to see the book open and glowing. The closer Pinkie got to it, the brighter she glowed.(It's glowed right? Or is it glew?)

Rarity: This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!

Rainbow: Aha! Now you believe me? Huh? Huh? HUH????

Pinkie's eyes glowed a bright pink.

Pinkie: Aah! My eyes! Aah!

Twilight: Pinkie! What's wrong?

Pinkie: I dunno! A minute ago, I was just fine!

Rainbow: I tried to tell you, guys, that book has magic in it, and it's affecting her! But, did you listen? No! You were just out there all: "Whee! Forget about Rainbow Dash, let's go to all of Pinkie's parties!" Oh, that's just awful!!!

Sunset: Uh, Rainbow?

Rainbow: I'm not finished! I can't believe you guys listened to Pinkie over me! Open your eyes, life's not all parties and games!

Applejack: Rainbow.

Rainbow: No, seriously, there's magic among us, you guys just ignored me like that day on the cruise!

Twilight: RAINBOW!!!

Rainbow: WHAT?!?!?

Twilight pointed over Rainbow Dash, Pinkie was begin contaminated by the book's magic!

Pinkie: *Grunt* Help me...!

Rainbow: *Gasp!* Pinkie!

Some of the girls couldn't help but cover their faces.

Fluttershy: Oh, I can't watch!

Pinkie screamed in fear and pain as the magic surrounded her and she was lifted off the ground, she felt possessed! What was happening to her?

Applejack: What in tarnation???

Rainbow Dash was right all along, that book really was trouble, the girls couldn't believe they never noticed, now their bubbly friend was being corrupted by the magic!

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