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Jet's P.o.v

I sigh looking around at the other tributes, there was four tributes who received a ten, myself,the district two tributes and Cato the district five tribute. I knew some of the tributes would die and then I hear the announcer call out my name I walk towards the stage and notice that it ain't Ceaser Flickerman but it's his son a young boy with astonishing auburn hair. "welcome to the stage Jet sparks, it's nice to see you."Charles said with joy. I nod with a small smile, my suit is blue with fake waves things attached to the top and the pants. "Do you have any allies in the games?"Charles asked with a excited grin. "Not having ally's would be a stupid choice, so yes I'm part of an alliance."I said. "Let me guess your a career."Charles said with a curious smile. "I sure am, and I can win!"I yell and the crowd starts cheering for me. I notice my district partner looking nervous and then I remembered she was a part of the 74th hunger games when marvel killed her. The buzzer go's off and little Rue walks onto the stage bravely her blue dress flowing like the ocean current. "Rue,I just love your outfit!"Charles exclaimed. "I'm hoping to have a chance at winning the games this time."Rue whispered. "Your a pretty girl with skills, I was surprised to see your score was a seven."Charles smiled. I wait for the interview to end it eventually do and Rue walks over to me with a nervous look. "Hello Rue, I'm sorry that your competing again."I whisper sadly. "Your very kind Jet, I hope you don't kill me."Rue whispered her eyes watering with tears. "I would never kill an innocent child like you."I whispered stepping towards Rue giving her a hug. Rue starts to cry and I lift her up onto my back, this poor child was facing another games with a slim chance at winning. I head over to an elevator and push the number four as the elevator heads to the floor we are staying on I sigh. "Rue I will protect you as long as I can."I said with a smile I wouldn't break this promise. I lay her on one of the couches in are quarters and I turn the television on noticing the district seven girl was up on stage. Her brown hair is straightened and she's wearing a light pink dress with flowers on it, but she also has some small leaves and twigs in her hair. I notice that she's very quiet and she seems like a mystery since she has gotten a twelve and is the daughter of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark.

Jessie's P.o.v

I sit up on stage with Charles and I notice the Capitol staring at me in shock. "Jessie Mellark, I'm very interested about how you ended up in district seven."Charles said with a booming voice. "Haymitch hates me."I yelled. "Well that's to bad!"Charles calmly said. "My mother and father do not know me they abandoned me when I was only a week old."I quietly said with a sad look. I noticed the Capitol was being absolutely quiet taking in my every single word what sick people they are. "Jessie ,District Sevens tribute!"Charles yells as the buzzar singles that my times up. I walk off the stage and notice that my parents, Haymitch and Bramble were looking at me along with the tributes of twelve.

Haymitch looked at me with anger and I give him a evil smile in return. "Jessie Mellark, I never wanted to see you again."Haymitch screamed with hate and he pushed me into the wall.

"Leave her alone, I don't like you being so mean."Spencer the district eight boy told Haymitch. I stand there shocked my eyes glancing at the boy. "Oh, looks like Haymitch is gonna be picking on my tribute."Blight screeched madly.I glare at Haymitch angrily my hands getting ready to punch him in the face. Spencer swipes Haymitch across the face angrily and I notice my mother Katniss looking at me in pure shock. I fall against the wall and then I feel Haymitch punch me and I black out blood pouring from a cut Haymitch had given me.

President Swirl's P.o.v

I glare at one of the peacekeepers and I decide to see how the injured tribute is doing since the games start tomorrow and it would be a shame if a tribute was injured. "Haymitch, it is bad to hurt a tribute."I say with a mean glare. I notice Katniss walking into the room and I see the head game maker, I nod to both of them grimly. "President Swirl, I am sure it was a mistake that Haymitch hurt

Jessie."Katniss said worriedly."Haymitch has injured a tribute for the games he's going to be punished!"I yell my eyes full of anger. I nod towards a peacekeeper and they pull Haymitch into the room with fury.

Haymitch snarls at them asking for a bottle for his drunk self. My hands reach for the knife I keep on me for defense and then I notice something strange, I cared about the tributes this year.

Spencer's P.o.v

I walked towards Jessie's room hoping she's okay, Haymitch was an idiot to push her against the wall. "Hello Jessie."I whispered walking into her room. "Spencer, I'm sorry that I'm injured like this."Jessie coughed. "I'm still going to be your ally Jess, it's not your fault that Haymitch hates you."I said with a smile. Jessie looks up at me with hopeful eyes. "If I don't die before the games, he hit me in the head."Jessie whimpered. "Katniss, was worried when he hurt you."I whispered. I walk towards Jessie and give her a light hug knowing she's worried and in pain. "Ah, Young love."Katniss said walking into the room. I notice the mockingjay pin in Katniss's hand and I gasp in shock she pins it into Jessie's shirt . "Katniss, thank you."I whispered and she leaves the room.

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