Pietro being the sweetest brother ever

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Alternate title; Pietro acting like Wanda's boyfriend for God-knows-how-long


Pietro: So Wanda, how'd you like your coffee?

Wanda: As dark and bitter as my soul

Pietro: One vanilla latte with extra sugar and cream coming right up

Wanda: .... I can't even argue with you


Wanda: I'm so ugly😔

Pietro: I'm pregnant

Wanda: What..?

Pietro: What? I thought we were just naming things that are impossible😊

Wanda: ... ☺


Wanda: Sometimes I feel like I don't fit anywhere

Pietro: *hugs her* What do you mean? You fit right here, in my arms

Wanda:.. *cries*


Wanda: Piet, do you think Taylor Swift is pretty?

Pietro: She's no Wanda Maximoff!


Pietro: I personally think forehead kisses are a little cheesy

Sam: I literally saw you kiss Wanda's forehead a minute ago. How do you explain that?

Pietro: Do not question me


Clint: You know, Pietro, maybe it's time for you to be less protective over Wanda.

Pietro:... F*ck off

Wanda: Not gonna happen anytime soon, you know

Clint: You're right, why do I even try


Pietro: *places his hand on Wanda's cheek* I can't believe I can fit my whole world into the palm of my hand

Wanda:.. *blushes* Pietro, oh my god


Pietro: You guys know I hate romance movies and that I'm not a big fan of cuddles.

Bucky: You were literally watching Titanic while cuddling Wanda last night

Pietro: Okay, in my defense, Wanda wanted to watch it and she was crying so-


Wanda: I'm just really upset now, Pietro. I'm gonna go to bed

Pietro: Bold of you to assume I'm letting you sleep feeling upset


Sam: How do you spell 'perfection'?

Pietro: W-A-N-D-A

Sam: I'm pretty sure that's not how its spelled

Pietro: You asked how 'I' spell it

Wanda: >llll<


Pietro: Hey, have you seen this artwork? *shows a mirror*

Wanda: This is just a mirror. All I see is my face.

Pietro: Exactly <3


Sam: Hey man, wanna go to the amusement park? Just me, you and Bucky.

Pietro: Sure! Can I bring Wanda?

Sam: I just told you. Just me, you, and Bucky.

Pietro: So?

Sam: Why are you always with her?

Pietro: Why do you breathe?

Sam: To live.

Pietro: There's your answer.

Sam:.. Can't say I'm surprised


Wanda: *is painting*

Pietro: *to Carol* You see that? Art painting art.

Carol: Can we ever go one day, ONE day, without you acting like Wanda's boyfriend?


Pietro: I don't think I've ever known pain like this before. This is by far the worst day of my life. It's like the sun never shines, the moon never shows up, the

Clint: For god's sake, Wanda will be back from her mission in 20 minutes


Pietro: Can you do the thing?

Wanda: What?

Pietro: You know. The thing that makes me happy?

Wanda: Oh, of course

Wanda: *smiles*

Pietro, softly: Thank you


Pietro: I'm sad :(

Pietro: *sees Wanda smiling and laughing*

Pietro: Never mind :D


Sam: You know, most brothers would stand in front of their siblings' bedroom doors with a scary mask on and just bust into the room, giving their siblings a heart attack

Pietro, who's standing in front of Wanda's door holding a teddy bear and flower bouquet: Well rip to them, but I'm different


Wanda: What I want; cuddles. What I receive; struggles

Pietro: *hugs her from behind* All you had to do was ask, sis <3


Wanda: Do you ever have that feeling when someone is like, gonna surprise you or something?

Pietro who's hiding a rose behind his back: Uh... Sometimes..?


Pietro: I slipped in a little note in your bag about how much I love you and how much you're important to me :)

Wanda: Pietro.. This is ten pages long.

Pietro: In alphabetical order :D


Pietro to anyone: Hurt Wanda in any way and people will watch your body getting scooped out of a lake on the news.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating in so long. I was running out of ideas and.. I'm planning to make an Avengers oneshot book soon, so good luck to me.

This whole chapter is not intended as incest in any way. It's just Pietro showing his brotherly love to Wanda <3

So yeah, see you guys in the next part :D


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