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Riker's POV

We announced a small show somewhere in California. Jamie usually didn't come to small shows because she had the kids, but this time was different. Tomorrow, she starts chemo. She won't be able to leave the hospital for a good four weeks. That's only if everything goes well. Anyway, that's why she's coming to this show. Her parents came down a few days ago to help out, so they're watching the kids. It was just me and my siblings with Ellington. Jamie was coming later, closer to the show.

"We should get a snack before the show," Rydel spoke.

"You literally just ate before we left the house," Ross said in shock. Must've been because they just ate, and he was shocked she was hungry.

"I'm kind of hungry too," Ryland spoke too. "That's probably because we didn't eat as much as you." Ryland directed his comment to Ross.

"Let's go up the street to the Cooky Place," Rocky said. "It's actually really good. Nicole and I took Kelsey there a few months ago. Rydel went. She knows."

"They spell cookie why a y," she said and laughed.

"Did they do it on purpose?" I asked. She shrugged while laughing. Ellington gave her a weird look to get her to stop laughing. I love these random moments.

We walked up to the Cooky Place. They had a ton of different types of cookies. They had types of cookies that I didn't even know existed or flavors that could be in cookies, like red velvet with cheese cake clumps. I thought it was pretty cool. I didn't try it. I got the basic cookie: chocolate chip. I got one to just try it, but I ended up going back for about three more. The cookies were a good size, so three was more than I could eat. I saved the last one, that I couldn't eat no matter how hard I tried, for Jamie when she comes later.

"I told you this place was good," Rocky bragged.

"This is the part where I would make fun of you for bragging about pointing out a good cookie place, but this place was amazing," I said. We started walking back to the venue. We all held a bag with at least one cookie in it for later, but mine was for Jamie.

We got back to the venue. We had a few hours before the show, but we liked to hang out. I warned everyone that they shouldn't talk about what was happening tomorrow. I warned them in just enough time because when got back Jamie was already there.

"That was the best cookie ever," she said after enjoying the cookie I saved her.

"Thank Rocky. He picked the place,"'I told her. She ended up thanking him and me as well for saving the cookie. We all tried to ignore asking Jamie how she felt about tomorrow because it was on everyone's mind. You could tell everyone was cautious about what they said just by how they were acting.

"So what's the plan for after the show?" Rydel asked.

"I was thinking about everyone going out to dinner tonight," I offered to everyone.

"Who's everyone?" Ellington asked.

"Everybody: you guys, Mom and Dad, and Jamie's parents." Everybody caught on to what the dinner was for.

"I'll be there," Rocky said.

"I wouldn't miss it," Ryland said. Everyone said they would make it. Jamie was happy that people could make it on a late notice.

Time passed. It was time for the show. It feels like I haven't been playing in forever, but I practice a lot. it just doesn't feel the same when you're practicing as it does live. You have so much more energy in the room, and you have to keep up with the fans. Whats even more special is the love in the crowd: Jamie. Having someone special in the crowd makes you want to do so much better and that makes you feel alive. Doing it on stage with family means a lot too. Oh, and Ellington. (Kidding.) I just love being on stage, even if I was standing on it with no one in the crowd. I love the feeling.

"This is our last song tonight! This song is actually very special to everyone on stage for a special day that we will always remember! I hope you guys enjoy this!" Ross yelled into the mic. I had begged them to let this be our closing song: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. It's the song Jamie and I danced to at our wedding. I looked for Jamie in the crowd. She wasn't hard to spot. She was right in front of me with one security guard right next to her. She had a big smile on her face which made me smile with a soft laugh while I was singing. We finished the song and walked off stage after we bowed. Jamie walked with the guard back.

"I didn't expect that," she said to me. She gave me a small kiss. "It meant a lot."

We left the venue and went to a restaurant where we knew there would be a table big enough for our large group: Rydel, Ellington, Ross, Ryland, my parents, Jamie's parents, Rocky, Nicole, Kelsey, Jamie, Jackson, Jacey, and I. Everyone made it on time which surprised me. With a group like ours, it's hard to get everyone in one place on time. Also with a group like ours, it's hard to order, but we managed.

"I want to hold the--uh-- baby," Kelsey said as she pulled on Nicole's shirt before Nicole sat down.

"Not here," Nicole said. Kelsey has held Jacey twice and begs every time she sees her now. Rocky took Kelsey and sat her in his lap. She started pouting, but it didn't last long when she saw Jackson sitting on his own with an empty chair beside him. She ran over to sit by him. We all got our food and began to eat.

"Do you have your Christmas shopping done?" Jamie asked Nicole, and the whole table chimed in.

"I have to buy stuff for my parents and I'll be done," Nicole answered.

"I'm done," Ryde said.

"Me too," Jamie's mom replied. Jamie got finished a few days ago. We didn't have to get much for everyone, but the kids got a decent amount.

Christmas is about two weeks away. Ours will be spent in the hospital, which kind of sucks. This whole thing sucks actually.

We finished dinner up, and we needed to get home. We were going to bed early to get up early tomorrow. We had a long four or five weeks ahead of us. The sleep that we got that night could be the only sleep we could get for a month or so.

(A/N- Anyone who saves me a cookie, I'll marry them. Just saying. Sorry this is so short. I'm going to write two more updates this week to upload around Christmas. Next chapter, I will have an explanation of the time frame in the first A/N.)

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