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Riker's POV

"We're going home tonight," I told Megan. "Jamie is doing better than they expected." Jamie would have a lot of appointments to make sure everything is still okay. She's in remission, so she isn't cancer free. Right now, it's just under control, which it happened pretty fast.

"That's really good. Ashton's surgery is tomorrow. I just hope everything goes well."

"It will. You have my number. You can call me if you need anything," I told Megan. I stood up from the table, and she did the same. I gave her a big hug. "Thank you for the support."

"Thank you," she said. We left the cafeteria together and got on the elevator together. She got off before I did, and I gave her one last hug.

I got into Jamie's room. Her parents were there packing up her room. Jamie was laying on the bed, waiting for us to finish. We were released early that morning. A nurse was bringing a wheel chair soon for Jamie, hospital policy.

"I don't even remember what our house looks like," Jamie stated. She laughed.

I laughed. "There's a kitchen where I will cook you dinner every night. There's a living room where I will watch movies with you after the kids go to sleep. There's a bathroom where you put on make up, but I always tell you that you don't need it. There's a bedroom where we pass out after a long day of taking care of the kids." I was careful of my choice in words because her parents were most likely listening.

"I love you," Jamie said. She gave me a kiss.

I helped her parents pack up the rest of her things, and the nurse came in. We helped Jamie on the wheel chair.

This was the day we've waited for. Jamie is going home. My family will be under the same roof again, and I can't wait. We won't be back to completely normal because we have been changed by this experience.

We got to the door of the hospital, and Jamie made us all stop.

"What if I'm not okay? What if the count was wrong?" Jamie just started to panic over nothing.

"Everything was done like always. It's never been wrong before. Everything is going to be okay," the nurse reassured her. "You're strong and just worried. This happens a lot. Just take a deep breath." Jamie did just as she was told.

"I'm ready," she said. We stepped outside into the world that Jamie hasn't been out in in about a month.

"How does it feel?" her mom asked.

"Amazing," she replied. Jamie stood up from the wheel chair with the help from me. I helped her walk to the grass. We sat down like we did before she started chemo. Her parents went to pack the car. She laid down on the grass. "I don't ever want to go inside." I smiled at how happy she was.

Her parents came back over to get us, and I helped Jamie stand up.

"You could ride on top of the car," her dad said when he heard her say she didn't want to be inside. It made Jamie chuckle.

The car ride was filled with happy tears from Jamie and her mom. Her mom was happy to have her daughter. Jamie was happy to be okay. I probably could've cried tears of joy, but I ran out a long time ago.

We got home and had a surprise for Jamie. It was something she probably didn't expect considering she know that we knew she was tired, but we did it anyway. I helped Jamie to the door, and her parents were secretly videoing behind us.

I opened the door.
Behind it was Rydel, Ellington, Rocky, Nicole, Kelsey, Ross, Ryland, Jackson, Jacey, my mom, and my dad.
It was the whole gang.

"Welcome home!" they all yelled, besides the kids because they didn't understand. Jamie had the biggest smile on her face.

I've never seen her happier, and I'm glad she was in my arms at the time.

(A/N- Very short update, but this is just an announcement. There is only two chapters left of this story, and the last one is will be an epilogue. Thank you for all the reads so far! I love you all!)

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