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(Lady Juliette's POV)

We all move too the dining room and eat.
I feel a pair of eyes on me as I grab a roll. I turn and see Carter staring at me.

I laugh and shake my head.

Samantha sends a dirty glare. It hurts, but I just innocently smile. We finish eating and start walking. Carter hugs me from behind. I tense from the sudden touch, but quickly shake it off and smile. He noticed but didn't talk about it.

He whispers "Hey."


"Meet me in my room at midnight." he smirks.


Silvia announces "This year, the Elite will be on the Report. Not any other selected. You will be interviewed. Just answer truthfully. Girls, try to be yourself."

Carter whispers "I have to go back to my family."


Olivia announces again "Oh and you will see the rest of the royal family on the Report. You will meet all of them tomorrow. We have never done this before, so set a good example."

Carter squeezes my hand before walking away. I bite my lip and look down. Olivia says to walk out, smile, and wave.

I graciously walk, smile, and wave. People cheer every time I wave at them. We sit in our seats. The Illéan national anthem plays and Gavril walks out.

"Good evening everyone!"

He calls each one of us up and I'm last. I graciously walk on stage and take a seat in the plush chair.

Gavril says "Wow Lady Juliette your makeup is stunning."

"Gavril, please call me Juliette and I'm not wearing any makeup." I say cheery, yet politely.

The crowd gasps.

Gavril says "Wow, very natural. We might need that in our next queen."

I blush fiercely and laugh.

Gavril asks "Which prince are you more attracted to?"

"Well, I would have to say Prince Carter. Prince Romeo and I are just friends."

"Tell us Juliette, have you and Prince Carter kissed?"

"Yes." I say blushing.

The crowd cheers.

"May I ask, Do you like being one of Prince Carter's favorites?"

"Wow, I didn't know I was a favorite. It's nice, I guess."

Gavril and I laugh.

"Thank you." He says

"My pleasure."

I return to my seat.

Gavril announces "Here is news from the royal family."

King Maxon, Queen America, Prince Carter, Prince Romeo, Princess Anna, Prince Oliver, Prince Toby, and Princess Daisy walk on stage and deliver the news. The Report is done finally. We all wave and smile. The crowd cheers my name, and Delilah's name. We look at each other and smile.

Once we get in the hallway, Samantha turns around and starts whispering "You dirty five better not ruin my chances, and you won't. Carter already asked me to marry him."

Juliette, she's lying. It hurts, but that's what she wants. Don't let it show. I keep my head held high and walk past her.

I get to my room and check the clock. It's eleven thirty. I take out my half-up half-down and just leave it curled. I add a sparkly head band and change into cute flats. I also change my clothes. I head out and make my way to the third floor. I knock on what I think is his door.

Lady Juliette CalasterWhere stories live. Discover now