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Jungkook's P.O.V

You clapped your hands exitedly as you found a shop in town which sells a drink tester, you immediately closed the computer and put on a jacket as you got ready to head out to buy it

As you were heading towards the door you stopped as you heard a familiar voice

Taehyung: Wait up.

You stopped and bowed while avoiding eye contact knowing you messed up with giving him an attitude earlier

Jungkook: How can I help you sir?

Taehyung: Come with me, I have an appointment to take care of.

You nodded as you followed him and pressed the button on your earpiece

Jungkook: This is Jungkook, I'll be attending and appointment with the prince so message me if there's anything.

Jin: Copy that, ill let the others know if they're looking for you.

You opened the door for Taehyung letting him get inside the car before you paused unsure if you're supposed to sit in te back seat or front seat with the driver

Taehyung: Get in and close the door so we can leave

You cleared your throat and nodded before doing as you were told, you smiled and greeted Adam who did the same to you

Taehyung: I sent you the adress so just head straight there

Adam: Yes your majesty

He started driving and you hummed as you looked at the address you wrote down earlier

Jungkook: Adam do you know if xxxxx-xxxxxxx street is close to where we're heading?

Adam stopped at a red light and looked at the navigation map before nodding

Adam: Yeah its only a couple blocks down from there, should I drive you there?

Jungkook: No it's okay I'll walk in that case

You leaned back and looked out of the window watching the building's you were driving past, it wasn't long before you reached your destination

You and Taehyung got out of the car and you gasped softly as you were stood outside a fancy hotel, you followed Taehyung inside and got into the elevator pressing the restaurant floor number like he told you to

You then followed him as you both went over to a table where he sat down

Taehyung: Go run your errands and be back in about 20 minutes. Now you know where to find me

You bowed before walking out sighing in slight annoyance

Jungkook: What am I a dog? Why did I need to follow him up there when he could've just told me outside.
Or was it obvious?

You shrugged as you started walking down the blocks heading to the street where the store was located

Jungkook: Wonder what hes even there for..

You looked around and smiled as you saw the store and headed inside greeting the staff, you walked up to one of them and took out your phone showing them a picture of the product

Jungkook: Hello! Do you still happen to have this in stock?

She looked at it and nodded while smiling

Staff: Oh yes, right this way!

She showed you over to the shelf and handed you one of the products

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