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Taehyung's P.O.V

Once you got back to the car you gently put him down in the back seat putting the seatbelt on him before once again making sure your jacket was covering so he could warm-up

Poor kid was out there without a jacket he must be freezing...

Byul looked up at you tiredly while rubbing his eyes

Byul: Arent you gonna take back your jacket?

You patted his head as you smiled down at him

Taehyung: I'm warm from running around looking for you silly, but you can keep it warm for me in case I get cold right?

He smiled softly as he pulled it closer nodding, you smiled as well before closing the door and getting into the driver's seat turning on the heater.

Jungkook looked over at you and smiled softly, you wiped a tear on his cheek before ruffling his hair gently

Taehyung: See you can relax now, I told you we're not giving up until we find him. And look we did, and he's safe with us now

Jungkook smiled tearing up even more and you chuckled quickly kissing his forehead

Taehyung: Awwww don't cry it makes my heart hurt...

He giggled softly as he sniffled and hit your chest gently

Jungkook: Don't be cheesy.. let's go back

You nodded and drove off glancing at Byul through the rearview mirror every now and then to make sure he was okay

Jungkook's P.O.V

Once you got back to the mansion you and Taehyung got out of the car before opening the backseat door, Taehyung then gently unbuckled Byuls seatbelt and lifted him up carefully not to wake him as you both headed inside

Jin and the queen ran up to the two of you immediately gasping

Jin: You found him thank god!

Queen: So this is Byul...?

Taehyung shushed them as you nodded and gently fixed the jacket as it was about to fall

Taehyung: Let's talk later, this kid needs to sleep and warm up. Jin have some porridge and warm milk delivered to my room tomorrow morning

Taehyung turned towards you

Taehyung: Is he allergic to anything?

You smiled and shook your head feeling your heart flutter at how caring of Byul he was

Jin: Of course, you two go get some rest as well

You both nodded and carefully headed up the stairs and into his room, Taehyung gently laid Byul down in the middle of his bed and tucked him in as he sat next to him

You walked over and sat down on the bed as well, sighing as you gently caressed his hair before putting your hand on his forehead to check if he has a fever.

Taehyung got up walking into the bathroom while you talked softly to yourself

Jungkook: I thought he wanted to be adopted... I don't understand why he would run off like that...

Taehyung walked back over to the bed holding a small cold wet towel placing it over his forehead gently

Taehyung: He wants to be adopted, just not by a stranger... the bond you two have is obviously strong

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