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Jungkook's P.O.V

You poured yourself a glass of water before slowly sipping it, one of the kitchen staff hurried into the kitchen and looked at you as she grabbed your arm

Kitchen staff: Oh thank god Jungkook there you are, can you please help carry the grocery box in here? It's the ingredients for the desert and I gotta start making it now...

You nodded and put down your glass before hurrying outside, you picked up the box and winced lightly in pain but clenched your teeth together and quickly carried it inside putting it down on the counter. The staff sighed in relief as they patted you back smiling brightly

Kitchen staff: Thank you so much you're an angel!

You smiled as you massaged your shoulder before grabbing your glass of water gulping down the last bit of the water left before putting it away. You looked at the time before quickly fixing your uniform as you got prepared to walk out and serve the guests.

A bit later...

You were stood at the entrance waiting to serve the main course to the royals and the guests when you suddenly felt lightheaded and your legs felt like they were gonna give in.
You frowned and shook your head as you took slow somewhat deep breaths in and out to try to get rid of it, once you looked back up your breath hitched as you were met by Taehyung looking straight at you. You quickly looked away and touched your earpiece as it went off

The main course is ready to be served Jungkook

You headed back to the kitchen and picked up the trolley with the plates containing the main course, you thanked them before wheeling it back to the dining hall trying to ignore the feverish feeling you were developing.

You smiled keeping your back straight as you neatly served the royals and their guests ignoring Taehyungs gaze, one of the guests raised their wine glass and looked at you

Guest: Pour me some more wine

You grabbed the wine bottle and poured him some more before bowing and putting down the wine bottle. You then headed back to your spot at the door to wait in case they wanted more water, wine or so on.

You felt your whole body starting to lose strength and become almost tingly, you lowered your head trying to pull yourself together as you mentally cursed at yourself

Great timing to get a fever Jungkook, just great...

Time felt like it was going painfully slow as you waited for them to finish eating so that you can gather their plates and get out of there at least for a little bit.

And finally, after a while they signaled you to come gather the plates. You collected them and placed them on the trolley and wheeled it out immediately almost collapsing as you walked into the kitchen. Jin immediately caught you before you could and gasped as he helped you stand against the counter

Jin: Oh my god what happened?

You closed your eyes and unbuttoned a button on your shirt temporarily while panting lightly

Jungkook: I think my dumbass body decided to break a fever, don't worry I can pull myself together though

Jin placed his hand over your forehead and tilted his head

Jin: You're a little warm but definitely not feverish?

You shrugged and buttoned your shirt back up and straightened your back

Jungkook: Call me when the desert is done, I gotta go before they start wondering where I went

Jin: Jungkook are you sure about this, should I get someone else to serve?

You shook your head and smiled

Jungkook: No the king requested me to do it, I'll be fine it's not that bad!

You patted Jin's shoulder and waved before heading back to the dining hall, you glanced over at Taehyung and he looked back over at you mouthing a ''Everything okay?''
You subtly nodded before looking away making sure to keep your back straight hoping you weren't being too obvious, the last thing you wanted right now is to cause even more trouble.

Jungkook the deserts ready

You headed back to the kitchen and quickly got the desert plates skillfully balancing them as you carried them back to the dining hall repeating the process of serving the royals and the guests.

As you stood by the door you felt like your body was both burning and tingling, you tried to keep your breath normal as you comforted yourself knowing the dinner was finally gonna be over soon. You noticed Taehyung excuse himself and walk past you giving you a look you couldn't quite read as he headed out, you shook your head and ignored it.

You flinched and widened your eyes as you heard Taehyungs deep voice yelling from outside the dining hall, you bowed to them and apologized before hurrying out looking around.
Once you saw him you hurried over and grabbed his wrist as you panted while hissing at him

Jungkook: Stop yelling you have guests!

Taehyung looked over at you and then back at Eunha

Taehyung: I don't fucking care, no wonder something seemed wrong, I just heard this bitch admitting she put something in your drink!

You looked over at Eunha who looked annoyed and gulped, well that would make a lot of sense...

Eunha rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms in annoyance

Eunha: Serves that whore right, he's been clinging onto you way too much lately.

Taehyung glared down at her as he clenched his fist

Taehyung: WHY YOU-

You pulled him back as you looked up at him as Jin ran out to the two of you as well

Jungkook: Taehyung enough. I'm fine so behave and go back to that dinner now.

Taehyung groaned in annoyance as he huffed in frustration

Taehyung: You fucking let people do this shit to you?

You glared at him as he turned around and walked off, you lowered your head and looked up at Jin feeling like you were gonna pass out

Jungkook: Can you cover for me this last bit... I need to lay down

Jin nodded immediately and headed in, you walked back to your room and immediately lied down feeling like everything was spinning.

Jungkook: At least now I know why my body like this I guess...

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