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Jungkook's P.O.V

A few days later..

(Sorry I know there's a lot of time skips but it's to avoid the boring stuff where nothing really happens)

You stretched lightly as you finished putting away the cleaning supplies you had used to clean almost all the rooms on the first floor with.

You hummed as you looked at the time noticing it was around lunch time

Jungkook: I wonder if we have any leftover rice from breakfast..

Just as you were about to head towards the kitchen you noticed Taehyung at the living room door waving as he looked around shyly, you smiled and headed over looking around as well to make sure no one was looking

Taehyung: Hey, have you had lunch yet?

You shook your head as you looked up at him

Jungkook: No, I was just about to go see if we have some leftover rice

Taehyung smiled as he hummed and tilted his head

Taehyung: Would you care to join me for lunch then?

You giggled softly and nodded feeling excited, he ruffled your hair before standing straight and clearing his throat trying to make it look normal

Taehyung: Good, then meet me at the car after you get changed Jungkook-shi.

You tried not to laugh and blushed lightly as he winked before walking off, you headed downstairs and quickly changed into some jeans, a white tshirt and a beige jacket.

You also sprayed some cologne and made sure you looked okay and then headed out to make sure you didn't keep him waiting for too long.

Once you got outside you immediately got into the car sitting next to Taehyung before smiling at Adam

Jungkook: Hi Adam~

He smiled and nodded chuckling softly

Adam: Hi, where can I take you two today sir?

Taehyung hummed as he scrolled through his phone

Taehyung: You pick, I can't decide

He handed you his phone and you widened your eyes at the different expensive restaurants, you shook your head and hummed softly thinking before typing in a really good but small restaurant you knew of.

You showed him his phone and smiled

Jungkook: Let's go here!

Taehyung: You'd rather go there than a fancy restaurant

You nodded and gave him his phone back

Jungkook: I feel more comfortable that way, besides their food tastes really good.. kinda like a warm hug!

Taehyung looked at you and chuckled softly before nodding and looking at Adam

Taehyung: Alright I sent you the address, please take us here

Adam nodded as he started driving while smiling glancing at the two of you through the rare view mirror

Adam: You're in a very good mood today your majesty

Taehyung hummed and nodded as he looked over at you once again, a warm smile on his lips as you looked into each others eyes

Taehyung: Yeah.. I am

He then looked over at Adam and cleared his throat

Taehyung: If mom and dad asks I forced him to come shopping with me in case I buy something so I dont have to carry the bags.

Adam raised an eyebrow before chuckling as he stopped outside the restaurant nodding

Adam: Oh I see what's going on.. You got it I will, have fun you two

You both got out of the car and thanked him before heading into the restaurant, you sat down at a table and looked at the menu.

Taehyung tilted his head looking at the menu clearly not knowing what to order, you leaned over the table and pointed at a dish

Jungkook: I'd recommend this one, I usually always had this if I was feeling sad or if it was cold outside.

Taehyung smiled and chuckled as he hummed

Taehyung: So this is the warm hug dish I assume?

You nodded before looking around smiling and nodding to the noona working letting her know you were ready to order

Noona: Hey Jungkook, we haven't seen you in a while!

Jungkook: Haha yeah I've been busy.. we'll have two of the usual please

She nodded and wrote it down before walking away to let them know your order

Jungkook: This is a family run restaurant, as you can guess I'm a regular here so I know them pretty well by now

Taehyung leaned his chin on his hand and nodded softly, you blushed lightly and looked away as you gulped down some water

Jungkook: Stop looking at me like that- do I have something on my face?

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head

Taehyung: No I'm just enjoying learning new things about you

It wasn't long before the dood was served, you thanked her before grabbing chopsticks and a spoon and handing it to Taehyung, he smiled as you grabbed some for yourself as well before watching as he tasted the food.

Jungkook: So.. how is it?

You watched nervously as he chewed before looking up at you with wide eyes and a smile

Taehyung: This is actually really good?

You sighed in relief and nodded happily

Jungkook: Right?! I mean it might not be on royal standards but this is my simple worlds warm hug dish

Taehyung reached over and caressed your head gently making you blush as you were eating

Taehyung: I like it, you were right it really feels like a comforting warm hug when you eat it.

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