「Chapter 13: Yuki's Confession and Kou's Answer.」

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"I like you......"  Yuki said in a serious tone.

Kou looked at her in shock.

"I liked you ever since we were little........even if I was teasing you alot back then." Yuki spat

"What.........t-then....what about that earlier with Teru-nii?" Kou asked nervously smiling.

"D-don't tell me that was an act......you even did it infront of almost the whole school!"

"You don't like Teru-nii back, do you?" Kou wanted to tear up. With mixed emotions he can't explain. Those 3 words messed his head up.

"I........I'm trying to okay?" Yuki said in a cracked voice.

"I-I really felt bad, that's why I'm saying this now.......to let go of what I feel for you, because I like you! I really do.........I messed up.........I feel like I just used your brother so that I would be seeing you everytime!" Yuki said

"I didn't want to fake it...........I wanna love him as much as he loves me! But I can't do that if you're still the one in my heart.........So I'm saying this now.........I want to let go of my feelings for you." Yuki said as she cracked a fake smile.

"You're right, I........can't return your feelings for me."

"Even if I do, it's still no good, what will happen to Teru-nii? He really loves you!" Kou said.

Yuki smiled at him as she reached out of her pocket.

"And........remember this?" She pulled out a locket from her pocket.

"That's...........my present for you before." Kou looked at the locket, bringing back the memories they shared.


A small boy with blonde hair and blue hues came running around the house, looking for the celebrant, holding a small present for her. As he reached the guest room, he saw the raven-haired girl talking to some of her friends.
He called out to her,

"Yuki-chan!" He said getting their attention and went to where she was.

The raven haired girl looked at him and waved.

"Hello Kou-chan!" Yuki smiled

"It's been a while since I last saw you!! How have you been doing?"

"Uh.......we just played at my house like yesterday though......." Kou looked as her as she chuckled.

"Haha.....really? Well it kinda felt like forever! I missed you already!" Yuki said as Kou blushed.

"A-anyway........happy birthday! Here's my present for you!" He held out the small box that he was holding as Yuki took it from his hand.

"Wahhh!!! Thank you Kou-chan!!!" Yuki said

"What are you waiting for? Open it!" He said as Yuki unwrapped the gift revealing a heart-shaped locket inside the box.

"It's so beautiful Kou-chan!!!" Yuki said as she smiled at Kou.

"Yeah........I asked help from our maid to help me pick it up!" Kou said

"And.......as long as you have that locket, I'll be marrying you in the future!!!!" Kou said excitedly as he raised his hands.

"Awww hahaha that's so sweet!!! Alright then! I'll treasure this until we get older! And before we get married, you're gonna help me pick a very beautiful long white dress!" Yuki said'

False love 💔 (Minamoto Teru x OC x Minamoto Kou)Where stories live. Discover now