「Chapter 23: Yuki's Choice」

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Hellooo since I was hyped last night I decided to quickly publish another chapterr yayyy

"Is there something wrong?" Yuki asked

"Uhmm......well......I......" Kou stammered, trying to get the words out.

"I.......li—uhmm I would like to change clothes now becausetheastronomyobsetvationwillstartsoonseeyahh!!!!" Kou said really fast and ran to the building. Leaving Yuki dumbfolded. "Huh?" Was the only word that came out of her mouth.

"Oh, well I guess I gotta change too." She said as she tood up from the bench and left.

Little did they know that someone was watching them from afar.









It was already night at the real world, the moon at it's peak, it's glistening light shone through the windows and lit a light on the corridors of Kamome Academy.

In the girl's bathroom, Teru, Kou and Nene were waiting for Hanako to return, the three of them were already on the urge of going home, but kept waiting. To their delight, In a flicker, haku-joudai popped out and swirled around, revealing Hanako in his usual self.

"I'm back~!" Hanako said smiling at the three. "I didn't expect you to wait though! So dignified!" He added seeing their exhausted, worn-out faces.

"So? How was she?" Nene asked him directly.

"Well......they're she's doing great! It's almost at the event's peak! She's almost there!" Hanako said

"Really?!? So she can return quickly?!" Kou asked with an obvious tone of relief. Teru couldn't help but get interested.

"Well actually, that's her last shot, because this past week, she could've turned him down already! But up until now, they're still so lovey-dovey there.....probably because she doesn't know what to do." Hanako explained. "And, care to join me watch her from here?" He smirked. The 3 looked at him suprised as haku-joudai went inside one of the mirrors in the bathroom, making it like they're watching a movie.

"Woah........." Kou said while touching the glass.

"It's like we're watching something in a television." Nene commented.

Hanako nodded in response "Alrighty! There she is!" He pointed at the screen.

From here on out, the italics resemble the things that happen in the fake world while the ones not are from the real world.

Yuki just went out of the girls bathroom wearing her uniform again and went to their classroom seeing Kou.

"Hey, you ready?" Kou asked her holding the telescope.

Kou and the others were amazed. He was like watching his own movie.

"Yuki..........." Teru managed to say. He hasn't seen her in good shape this past week. It was tiring, and stressful for him. Yuki would usually go to his room whenever he has troubles, she would always hear him out and comfort him. Now she's not there by his side. He missed her so much, tears were threatening to fall down. Instead, he tried to hold it back and continued watching.

"Yeah but you could've just went ahead." Yuki insisted while she took the telescope case on her desk.

"But I wanted to wait for you." Kou looked serious. Yuki knew that pretty well.

False love 💔 (Minamoto Teru x OC x Minamoto Kou)Where stories live. Discover now