「Chapter 14: So This is How it Feels」

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It was another usual day, at 5am, and Yuki decided to go to school earlier to finish some undone paperworks at the student council room. She took a towel and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After some minutes, she wore her uniform, took her bag and quietly went downstairs. Before she could turn the knob of the door, someone placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Yuki-chan........are you already going to school?" Kou asked quietly

"Oh.....yeah, My paperworks were already piled up at the student council room." Yuki said

"Alright then, I'll just give you your bento later, and eat this along the way." He said while giving Yuki some biscuits.

"Thank you! I'll be going now." She quietly said as went outside the door.

"Yeah, take care." Kou said as he went back to the kitchen.

Yuki arrived at the school at 5:30, she placed her bag at their classroom and went to the student council room.

45 minutes later she finished her work, stretching her arms. Hmm....maybe I should go and see the view for a while at the rooftop. She thought as she went to the old building going to the rooftop. As she arrived, her eyes sparkled at the view. The view of the sun rising, it was breathtaking. Too bad she's gonna have to witness it alone. Until.........

Without looking back, Yuki said "The view is great isn't it.............?Honorable no. 7?"

"Eh?" Hanako exclaimed while hiding behind the door frame.

"I have been sensing you for a while now.......I didn't know that we'll meet here. Do you watch the sunrise too?"

Hanako couldn't reply, he didn't know how to. This pretty girl is an exorcist too....... I might end up getting exorcised again. .I have to keep my guard up.

"Won't you accompany me for a while?" Yuki asked.

"Hmmm..........me knowing the fact that your an exorcist, I think I'll pass."

"Ehh.....don't worry, I won't exorcise you." Yuki said as she signalled him to enter the rooftop, since he was still hiding behind the door frame.

"If you don't come here you're gonna miss it, if you want to, I'll leave." Yuki said standing up, walking to the door.

"Anyway, nice seeing you, Honorable no. 7." Yuki slightly waved her hand as she went downstairs.

"Ah.......that pretty exorcist might be different." Hanako said as he went to the rooftop, seeing the view.

Yuki went back to the student council room. She sat down the chair facing the table as she read some of her notes, since they have a quiz coming up. Just then, at the corner of her eye, she saw someone staring at her at the doorframe. This made her keep her guard up. Who......is tha—.

"Yuki!!!!" Out of nowhere, Teru appeared infront of Yuki, hugging her.

"Why didn't you tell me you went to school early?!?" Teru said whining as Yuki just let him hug her, then she faced up, since Teru was tall. "Well it's because you gave me too much work, when I came here the desk were full of unorganised papers!" Yuki complained, making Teru giggle. Then he squeezed her soft cheeks. "Wha?!" "Haha, you're so cute when you're mad~" Teru teased.

"Aghh quit it!!! Any way, I'm already finished, I'm going to class, see you later!" Yuki waved at him.

"Yeah" Teru replied seeing her off.

"U-uhm.....Minamoto-senpai......" a girl standing at the doorframe said.

"Oh, do you need anything?" Teru asked politely.

"Please go to the tree at the practice garden 15 minutes before lunch!!"

"Alright then." Teru smiled as the girl bowed her head and went on her way.

As the girl was walking at the corridor, she came across 3-A's classroom, Yuki's class. She peeked inside and thought. Minamoto-senpai is mine and mine alone, I don't care if he has a pretty fiancé like you. I'll make sure that he's wrapped around my finger. The girl smirked as she continued walking.

Timeskip: 3-A's P.E. class, 15 minutes before dismissal.

"Okay, that's all for today, make sure to practice at home too alright!" The teacher said.

"Oh, and I'll be dismissing you early, you can go now."

With that, the 3-A students went out of the gym, revealing the practice garden. (A/N What i'm trying to say is it's like their going to take the shorter route to go to the middle school building so their going at the back of the gym, so they'll come across the practice garden.)
Yuki and Fuyu were chatting, until they noticed students standing near the big tree. The class looked around, noticing that they were looking at the people under the tree. They stopped. Yuki heard Kou.

"Teru-nii......" his tone was a disappointed one.

Fuyu looked at Yuki. "Ki-chan......look." She pointed at the two people standing at the tree. Yuki stood still.

There was a both a girl and a boy with blonde hair, the boy was pushed back against the tree by the girl, her lips locked in his.

Yuki was familiar with the red armband on the boy's arm. She stood there, frozen, Fuyu and Kou looked at her concerned. "Yuki-chan......"
then Yuki muttered, but Kou heard.

"Ah.....so this is what he'll feel like." Yuki said. This is what he'll feel like if I continued this. It hurts. I can't breathe. My mind is clouded. I feel like there were daggers stabbing my back........

I wonder what he feels right know. Yuki thought, then she came in eye contact with the boy, his eyes widened.

Yuki looked away, and smiled at Fuyu. "Let's go, Yu-chan." She said as she walked holding Fuyu's hand. "Wait! Ki-chan! Are you alright?" Fuyu asked, concern was plastered in her face.
"Ah.....yeah.....it just surprised me" Yuki gave a sweet smile at her. Then just about that, she heard footsteps quickly going to their direction. She felt warm hands wrap around her, hugging her from the back. Eyes were staring at them.
"Y-yuki.........Let me exp—" Teru was interrupted. "Please let go of me, you're causing a scene." Yuki said plainly.

"Not until I explain first." Teru said not letting go.

"Look......I'm pretty tired from p.e. class, and I have to change my clothes." Yuki said as she pulled away from Teru and continued walking.

"Yuki........." Teru sounded apologetic.

"Ki-chan, are you not gonna let him exp—" Yuki cutted Fuyu off.

"I won't I've seen enough." Yuki said.

From the tree the blonde girl just stood there, smiling. Haha........this is only the beginning, Akabane Yuki.

==========End of chapter 14==========

Aghhh sorry for the wait!!! It really took me a long time to make this. Because I was into Mobile Legends these past few weeks

Hehehhh anyway thanks for reading!

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