「Chapter 25: I love you」

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Yuki stared at the at the boy confused.

'He awfully looks like no. 7' she thought.

She stood still while the boy the was still holding her hand, she tried to budge he wouldn't let go.

"Uhm.......who are you?" She finally asked

"Me~? Oh! I'm Tsukasa! I grant wishes of dead people!" Tsukasa smiled at her still not letting go. Yuki felt this feeling of uneasiness, the air around them was getting heavy, she wanted to get out.

"Can you let go? I'm about to leave this place." She said trying to be nice.

"Ehhh~?? Why would you still go if you're already dead?." He said as his hues turned pitch black, smiling at Yuki. This made her alarmed.

"Me? Dead? What are you talking about?!?" She said starting to loose her cool 'that's not possible right?' She thought.

"Well, you've been here for too long missy.......You're body is probably dead right now."

"My body?"


"Hanako! We have to get her out of there!" Kou said as he panicked.

"No. 7, Tsukasa is interfering with the girl passing through the border!" The voice said

"Why would he do this?!? Let's hurry up and get her out of there." Hanako said as haku-joudai circled around him and wore his cape, then circled around the 3 in the room, taking them to the border.

"This is bad, really really bad......."


"Stop talking nonsens—" Yuki protested but was cutted of by Tsukasa's hand stabbing her stomach, leaving this distorted mark on her. She immediately felt the pain through her body, before she fell on the ground.

Her eyes met Teru's

Teru's pov

The supernatural took us to this 'border' where Yuki was, I wanted to see her so bad, when we got there, it was pitch black, we only saw silhouettes of two people.

"There they are!" No. 7 said as we followed him and ran. We were almost there when I saw her familiar face. She looked normal here. It was way different from her frozen body at the real world. But before we got there, it was already too late.

I saw the supernatural stabbed Yuki.

My world started going into slow motion, my eyes met hers and widened. She fell to the ground, grunting in pain.

3rd person's pov

Yuki couldn't hide the pain that was overwhelming her body, she let out this blood curling scream, while clutching the distorted area, preventing blood to ooze out but failed.

"W-why did y-you do tha—AGH!!" She tried to speak but her face met the ground, as Tsukasa stomped on her head.

"See~? You're already dying~" he said, his gaze never leaving hers.

"Now, I'm sure you have regrets now, would you like to make a wish?" Tsukasa smiled at her.

"Like......I woul—AH!" She was interrupted again by tsukasa stomping on her chest, mercilessly.

"This. Is. Why. I. Don't. Like. Exorcists!"

Tsukasa stomped at every word, the sound of bones breaking can be heard. Yuki was desperately trying to breathe normally. She couldn't speak anymore, the fact that she was already lying down a pool of her own blood. Not to mention she was already coughing out blood.

False love 💔 (Minamoto Teru x OC x Minamoto Kou)Where stories live. Discover now