Chapter 22: Good luck (Joseph POV)

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I was still surprised about it, I wondered who had just randomly given me 30 million coins, surely it had to be an accident and they put it in the wrong account. I shook my head and took my 20 coins that Chris gave me and then began walking to the exit of the bank.
I saw the same woman sitting on the small bench that I was at earlier, I was tempted not to walk towards it and just stay in the bank and let my mind get calm. I was going insane and I knew it, she was smiling at me and I closed my eyes.
Suddenly I was on the same path that I had seen earlier. The purple dragon was beside me but this time I saw him with a black dragon. They were staring at my father as he was crying sitting next to my moyher on the path. I saw they burns all over her, I had to be going crazy this could not be real.
I heard the dragons talking, somehow they were speaking my language and they were talking about my father as I overheard their conversation. The black dragon was bleeding a little bit and he was staring at the purple dragon a bit angrily.
But it did not do anything, it just sat there and let the purple dragon talk all while looking at him as if he was about to attack him. The purple dragon continued talking to the black dragon as they were staring down at my father and the dragon was smiling.
I wanted to run at him, mainly the black dragon, my father said that was the one that had killed my mother. I knew this was a dream and I was going crazy. Or maybe I wasn't, I had remembered dreaming about my uncle, he had gotten attacked by the same black dragon that I saw now. Then one time I remembered a dream that someone was walking up to our house about to rob it.
I told my mom about it and when we went back home, sure enough someone had gotten into our place and stolen some of our most prized possessions. I remembered who it was though, and we told the police and they caught the crook. Days after he had died in the prison.
"She is lying... She is trying to protect her kids, we will search through the city at night, ask some humans, and then make sure to kill them and leave no evidence." The purple dragon said to the black dragon. The black dragon nodded to him and then smiled. The purple dragon smiled as well, and then he looked right at me.
"Look who it is, Joseph... What a pathetic name." The purple dragon said to me. I looked at him for a few seconds and then I felt scared, the black dragon was gone, but that was not going to make me feel any more safe anyways. I shivered and he began laughing.
"How do you know my name... How can you see me? I'm not even really here right now..." I said to the dragon. He laughed at me and then moved up close to me. He then ran at me, I tried dodging it but he was so big and fast. He somehow mysteriously went through my body.
"Know... You are not, but you can walk in and listen to every important conversation for every dragon. Much like your uncle, he was going after us and we had to take him down." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, he was smiling at me like this was some sort of game and he was having the time of his life.
"I don't have anything to do with my uncle... Why did you kill my mother? Why can you just leave me alone?" I said to him. The dragon smile dissapeared and he looked at me and shook his head. I knew what he was about to tell me next was for real.
"The problem is, you're whole family are dragon hunters and have been through generations. You're mother tried to hide it from you, but some day you were going to find out, if you already havent and then you would go after my group of dragons." He said to me. He sat down right beside me looking me dead in the eyes. I shivered a little bit, the dragon was huge compared to me, not like the dragons in the books, but it still scared me.
"You didn't have to kill my mother, and I wont do anything, why dont you just leave me alone?" I said to him. He looked at me and then he sighed, he shook his head at me and then walked a bit further away as if he had something that he had stuck in his mind.
"That's the thing... You're mother was a part of the prophecy... Now that we have her down, the prophecy is half gone. We are here to destroy humanity not let it stay." He said to me. I shivered once again, I could tell that he meant every word that he had just said to me.
"Why? You guys can just go live on your own and we can all have peace." I said to him. He looked at me dead in the eyes like he was thinking about it for a few moments. Then he just shook his head and began walking around smiling at me.
"Human's, they cant have peace with dragons. It is something I wish I could tell the red dragons, but they are always on the humans side... They are weak and broken, soon we will destroy them." He said to me. I shook my head at him and he looked at me a little bit confused.
"You can, you just don't want to." I said to him. He looked at me and then he ran at me, this time I knew that he could not do anything and I did not react at all. I was angry at this dragon, I remembered him and his little friend had gone out of their way to kill my mother, and now I was going to kill him.
"No... Humans and dragons are not meant to live together, we will exterminate all of you, but first I will kill you..." He said to me. I shook my head, I was still confused why this dragon wanted to kill me so badly, I had done nothing to him, and he had gone out of his way to go and kill my mother.
"No... I will kill you..." I said to him. He looked at me a bit surprised and I could see fear in his eyes for a few seconds, but then he laughed at me and then shook his head.

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