Chapter 24: Im Sorry Pt. 2 (Jangra POV)

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I sat there, it was hard for me to sleep, and I could here the snores from my family nearby. Each time they snored it seemed like it made me less and less tired. I knew that dragon's unless you were a watch dragon were not supposed to go outside.
But I was not tired and me moving around might wake up one of the dragons. I looked at my father and shook my head. He had broken the code of the dragons several times lately and before now as well. I'm sure he would understand if I need to get out of the cave and into the real world.
If a watcher caught me they would tell my father but they would not do anything about it. I got up still wanting to be sneaky, that was one of the things that made red dragons better than black dragons in my eyes. The fact that we could also sneak up on them because we were silent.
I shook my head, my mind went back to Yikla for some strange reason. I thought of her, she was surprisingly fast and not only that but she was also very strong, I had seen it when she pinned down Penta. She had saved Ipse's life, I felt absolutely disgusted by what I had just seen.
I had never thought of Penta to do something as terrible as that. I could see the look on every dragons face, it was not a look of being scared but it was more of a look of disgust. I figured I would go out and maybe try to hunt. I had noticed the the prey pile was actually a bit empty which was semi strange for this season.
I remembered seeing the human earlier, if there were humans nearby us now then that is probably where a lot of our food was going. I realized that my father had not told the group about the humans. I could not blame him though, I think his mind was in a different place than that.
I would have to tell him after I beat Penta tomorrow. Once I was out of the cave I looked around at the camp seeing a few gaurds talking to each other but they were looking in the opposite direction of me.
I quickly flew out of the tribe grounds and then flew to the nearest clearing that I could remember. Once I was there I looked around noticing that there was nothing out. I realized how dumb I was not to think about animals also sleeping as well.
I sat down in the clearing and I just looked at the stars. It had been quite some time since I had done that. It was nice to just take my mind off of all those terrible thoughts. I thought about my mother and father remembering that they were just testing me and were still together.
I had seen how they had been looking at each other and smiling after I had beaten Socra in that fight. I could tell that they were both so proud of me and they did still truely love each other. I was always worried about that black dragon.
Then my mind began heading to a different topic. It was about Penta, I remembered all the good things about her and how all of the sudden that had all gone to bad. I shook my head sadly praying to the heavens above why they had done this to me.
As the next deputy I was supposed to get dragons easily, but the one dragon I actually had cared about challenged me to a fight, and I realized how the ending was going to play out. I was going to have to kill her, I knew that she would not yield, she had never done it in our play fights before.
I remember playing with her and seeing the smile on her pretty face. No dragon could deny that she was beautiful. But what was going on in her head I truely did not have any clue. I wanted to feel bad for her but the words she had said to me had really stung.
I remember the surprised look on Kotas face and how he had looked absolutely disgusted at her when she had attacked Ipse. Kota was a good dragon, I can see how she would have loved him but he was in a good steady relationship right now. All she had to do was tell me no, but instead she had called me pathetic and attacked me.
I closed my eyes, I wanted to sleep but it seemed like god would not let me. I shook my head and then I began walking back to camp. Suddenly I saw a dragon, luckily it was not a black dragon, but I could see that it was a dragon that it felt like I had seen before.
I figured I would go after it, if it attacked me I knew I could beat it in a fight, I had beat Socra who was one of the best warriors in the tribe. They would not know what they were getting into if they tried attacking me.
Once I had gone in the woods in the direction that I had seen it go, I heard voices talking in the woods, I realized who the voices were. I could here the voices of Penta and Kota.
I walked to the edge of the clearing and stayed behind a bush so that they could not see me, but I could slightly see them through the leaves of the bush. Kota was looking at Penta sadly, but I could see nothing but love on Pentas face. Something I had always wished I could have had from her.
I then shook it off, one quick moment of her getting bad, as bad as it may sound, then I might end up like Ipse. I shook my head not wanting to think about him. Instead I just listened in to what the dragon's were talking about.
"Penta... You do have to realize... I am with a dragon right now. I don't want to sound mean to you, but to be truthful, I am not in love with you and I never was." Kota said to Penta. At first Penta had a huge smile on her face but all of the sudden it turned to a depressing look.
I wanted to laugh, but I knew that they would here it. To be truthful it was funny to me. She deserved it as well, Kota did not deserve a dragon like her, he was a friend to me and no longer would I ever call her a friend.
Especially after I killed her tomorrow, I thought to myself as I shook my head trying not to think about it. I then looked at her still smiling at him. I wondered why she still was and why she was attracted to Kota so much in the first place.
"Kota... After I kill Jangra, I will become the next deputy and me and you will be together. I love you, leave that dragon that you are with right now, come be with me and together we will rule the tribe." She said to Kota. I could see the look on Kotas face, he looked sad and disgusted at the same time.
I could not blame him, she was always thinking she was going to be the leader of the tribe, but she had gone to far today when she had attacked Ipse, our group of friends always thought of it like a joke but I now knew that she was being dead serious.
"Penta... You are lucky, if Ipse survives, you will still be a part of the tribe, but I would not test Jangra." Kota said to Penta. Kota looked dead serious and I knew he was thinking the same thing as me. He knew how good of a warrior I was, he had never even gotten near beating me in a fight. The closest he had gotten was getting me off balance a couple of times.
"Yes I will... Jangra is a weak pathetic dragon, I will destroy him. After I do that you will realize how much you love me." Penta said to Kota. Suddenly I let out a laugh that I could no longer hold in.
Kota and Penta both looked surprised but they were scared at the same time. I was pretty sure Kota already knew that it was me, no other dragon would be sneaking up on our conversation. He also knew that me him and Kip would always sneak out at night like it was a big game.
"Jangra... Come out..." Kota said to me. I looked around wondering if I should just run, I knew I was faster than both of them, and if they got caught out right now they would get in trouble as well. But I figured I would be honest, I walked out of bush and I saw that Kota was smiling at me.
Penta looked a bit scared but the scared look she had did not last very long. The look then turned into anger as she looked like she was about to run at me and attack me. But surprisingly this time she somehow kept her calm.
"Why are you listening to us Jangra." Penta said to me. I looked at her, I could see nothing but hatred on her face. But now I was used to it and it did not make me feel hurt at all. I hated her back as well and she had only brought that in herself.
"I was out here becuase I could not sleep thinking that I was going to kill you tomorrow." I said to her being 100% honest. She looked at me with a bit of a scared look on her face but it quickly disappeared once again. She looked at Kota and then laughed. Kota did not look back at her.
"Penta... You still have a chance to resign from the fight. He has never lost before and I doubt that will happen now." He said to Penta. Penta looked at him for a few moments as if she was thinking about it and then she shook her head at him.
"I have gained strength and gotten stronger, he will not know what is coming to him, much like my grandfather." Penta said to Kota. Kota rolled his eyes and lowered himself to the ground looking at her sadly.
But Penta was too busy looking at me with pure hatred to even notice it. I looked at her and then I shook my head at her, I wanted to laugh at what she was saying but I could not bring myself to it because I felt bad for Ipse and I just wanted him to survive and be okay.
"You think that Jangra has not done the same? He is much bigger, faster, and stronger than I remember, I cannot say the same for you." Kota said to her. She looked at Kota a bit angry but then it went to a look of love and she looked as if she felt bad for him for some reason.
"That is what you think, but my mind set has changed a lot and I know his moves and tactics." She said to the both of us. I laughed and she looked at me very angrily. To be truthful she did know my tactics and as stupid as she might seem she still was smarter than most dragons.
I looked a bit anxious and scared for a few moments and I knew that she had noticed it, I then shook my head. No matter how much she knew my tactics I knew that she would still stand no chance against me in a fight.
"Penta... You do realize, I just beat Socra in a fight earlier right?" I told her. She looked at me with a look that I could tell she was a bit afraid but she shook her head at me and then laughed back at me. I rolled my eyes at Kota, this dragon was absolutely crazy.
"Socra is a pathetic dragon and she is getting older by the day." Penta said to me. Kota looked at her and put a little bit of a cough and a laugh at the exact same time. I knew that he was thinking the exact same thing that I was.
"You are crazy... She is still just as healthy as she was 200 years ago." Kota said to Penta. Penta looked at me still as if she had not heard a word that Kota had just said to her. I looked at her and smiled.
"Even so, I would beat her as well. Neither of you know how strong I have gotten, it does not show in my body but I can tell in my mind set." She said to the both of us. I began laughing once again and I just rolled my eyes at her, this dragon was truely crazy.
"Jangra... Please cancel this fight, please spare her life. She does not know what she is getting into, no one will blame you, everyone in the tribe knows you will win." Kota said to me. I looked at him for a few moments thinking about it real heavily but then I shook my head at him. He looked at me sadly but then he nodded at me.
"She can cancel it if she wants, I will prove to the tribe that I am worthy and I will kill her, for her trying to kill a dragon that has shown her nothing but love and support." I said to both of the dragons. Kota nodded but Penta seemed to only get more upset.
"Nothing but love at support? He keeps telling me to pursue you Jangra! I do not love either of you, I never have and I never will. I love Kota and he knows that." She said to the both of us, looking at Kota a bit angry this time even though he had done nothing.
"Penta... I loved you as a friend, this is now past tence. I am with a dragon that loves me so much right now, I love her back. You still pursuing me is not going to work, especially since I have seen what you have truly became now." Kota said to her. I looked at him and then I nodded to him, it was very well spoken and I was glad he was the one to tell her.
"After I destroy Jangra, I will destroy your wife..." Penta said to Kota. Kota looked at her sadly for a few seconds but as soon as she said that he looked like he was about to lunge at her. You would not want to fight Kota when he was angry... You would not want to fight any dragon.
"Penta... I have no respect to you any more. You are now threatening about killing my wife. I love her, I do not love you, I never will." He said to her. I could tell that he was now just as angry as I was. This time I was the one to step in and stop the potential fight.
"We just need to stop talking, Penta... I do not want to kill you, but if you attack me first and do not resign, I will do what I must do." I said to her. She looked at me for a few seconds, thinking about what Kota had just said and then she nodded.
Kota looked at her angrily, I could tell her had lost all hope in her and he looked like he was the one that was doing the fight tomorrow. At least I knew now whos side that he would be on. I knew he would not choose a side even after Ipse, but after she had threatened his wife that is when thinkings got real for him.
Penta looked at both of us and then she nodded, she then flew up in the air and began over to the tribe camp. Kota looked at her waiting for her to be fully gone and then he looked at me and he nodded.
"I want you to kill that dragon... I do not care about her anymore, she threatened my wife, and I cant help but believe that she is for real after what she had done to her own grandfather today." He said to me. I looked at him, I felt bad for Penta for a few moments but I shook that thought from out of my head.
"She has issues, I do not want to kill her, but if I must and she does not give up, then I will." I said to her. He nodded to me and then he looked at the ground, he then looked back at me with a little bit of a scared look on his face.
"If she would kill her own grandfather, then why would she not go and kill my wife which is a threat to her." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, he might be right but then I just looked at the ground.
I wanted so badly to say it was not true and forget what had been going on the last few days but I could not bring myself to it. I then looked at him and nodded to him.
"You go ahead and get back then, make sure she is safe." I said to Kota, he looked and me and then he nodded. He then quickly began flying back to the camp. I continued staring at the ground sadly.
I wish none of this had happened, I remember when Penta was a happy and loving dragon, but now it seemed like all of that was just a distant memory of the past. I thought about it for a few more moments and then I shook my head. I was now tired, that conversation had really worn me out.
I got up and slowly began flying back to camp feeling very exhausted, once I was back, even though it had just felt like a few moments, I knew that it had been quite some time. I had walked back and walked right past a couple of gaurds. I could not tell if they had not noticed, or maybe they just had not cared.
I was too tired to think about it, I walked back to my cave, I had a really hard day already, hunting and fighting, I did not know how I was not tired before now, but it had all caught up to me. Once I was in I saw that I had woken up Mik. She just looked at me but did not say a word.
I sat down beside her, she nodded to me and then she went back to sleep. I was not long after that.

I woke up, my father was pushing up against me. He was smiling, there was not much for me to smile about and I could tell that he had noticed the look on my face. His smile disappeared and he looked at me sadly and then he nodded.
"Come on, after you beat Penta, there is much I need to tell the tribe and I want you to be with Socra and your mother, Isma when I need advice, you must get used to it. Socra is stepping down from the reigns and retiring after you are fully trained." My father said to me. I looked at him for a few seconds and then I nodded to him.
It made sense, at this point, any dragon as old as Socra would have retired at this point, but Socra never had a successor. She was also in good health for her age. I got up from where I was sitting beside Mik, I brushed past her but she stayed asleep.
"Okay, first we will notify the tribe, then the fight will begin, I believe in you, I have seen you fight so many times now." Himla said to me. I looked at him and then I nodded to him. We both walked out of the cave together.
Penta was already in the clearing and she was looking at the ground sadly, I wanted to ask her what was wrong but I could not bring myself to it. I had no respect for her anymore, a lot of dragons were already up so early and I could tell that they were excited about the fight, I saw cave dragons, about every warrior I knew and even a few medicine dragons.
My father walked up to the rock and then he nodded to me, he yelled as loud as he could to get the entire tribe up.
"Everyone get up! The battle between Jangra and Penta is going to begin in just a few moments!" My father yelled as loud as he could. All of the dragons that were still asleep it seemed like they had just been waiting for him to say the words, as I saw hundreds of dragons coming out of their caves from all over the camp.
My father actually looked a bit surprised, I saw Socra walk up to him on the rock and she nodded to me with a bit of a smile on her face. She even looked excited for the fight, I wondered if she had the same look on her face when my father had fought her husband for leadership.
Once it seemed like everyone was out and they were all in the large clearing my father nodded and then began talking once again.
"Everyone! I hope you are already! After this fight ends quickly then we will continue on with the day, there is much I must tell you a little bit later." A lot of the dragons looked around at each other and I heard lots of laughs spread around the clearing.
I could tell it really made Penta mad, and I knew that dragons were scary when they were upset, I felt bad for her but at the same time I was in a state of peace right now. I walked up to her and nodded to her, I still felt a little bit bad for her.
"You can still resign if you want." I said to her. She looked at me for a few moments but then she shook her head. I looked at her and I felt very bad for her, but she had brought it on herself. "Well Penta... I'm sorry."

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