chapter two: i have a what!?

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Dean pov~

          I was sitting in the bucker with my brother sam, he was searching for a new case, i was just waiting for him to find one.

"Would you stop staring, its making me nervous", sam said.

"Just find one already!", i whined.

"Its not that easy dean, im searching the news of every city in the US, its gonna take time", he explained.

"Fine, im gonna go cook breakfast.", I said.

"We had breakfast two hours ago, dean", sam said.

"Well im hungry again, sue me!", I said.

In the kitchen eating bacon, cas suddenly shows up.

"Oh hey cas!"

"Hello, dean"

He looked at me in a sad way, i tried to shook it of but i got worried.

"What happened? You got that look on your face"

"Dean, i have news."

"Is good news or bad news?"

"Im not sure how you're going to take it."

"Alright cas, spit it out!"

He sighs, " okay, im going to start from the beginning. I was in heaven going through files and there is this one file that i took interest in, about a girl named stella willow."

"You came here, worrying me about a crush of yours! Seriously cas!"

"Let me finish, dean."

I took notice of how serious he was, he was always serious but this time he's serious serious.

"As i was reading about her file, i discovered something and it was connected to you, dean."

I looked at him in confusion.

"You have a daughter, dean."

I stayed silent, just looking at my angel friend, staring at him actually.

He looked at my shocked face and added.

"And just saying, angels files are always true, we have a file for every human, so im pretty sure that the news is true."

"I HAVE A WHAT!?" I suddenly shouted.

Sam came running to the kitchen.

"Whats going on?"

"Dean has a daughter."cas said.

"He has a what?" Sam asked. Shocked.

"That what i said. Look cas there's no way i have a daughter alright. Im always careful about those stuff okay?"

"Dean i did a blood test. It came postive, you are her father."cas said.

Sam looked at me shocked, i was still trying to process the information. I know cas wont lie about those stuff. So im starting to believe him.

"Whats that in your hand cas?" Sam asked.

"Its her file."

Sam took it from him and opened it, he took a paper out and gave it to me. It was a picture, of her. She's beautiful , has green eyes just like mine, long dark brown hair, tanned skin. Im starting to remember her mother.

And it clicked, 20 years ago, California, i met this beautiful woman named rosa, she was Italian, a bar tender in some bar, she had dark brown hair, hazel eyes almost golden and beautifully tanned skin. She was amazing, and i was slowly falling for her, there was a case in her town, but after solving it i still came by to see her, we kicked it off for a few months but i had to go, was too weak to say goodbye so i left a note with my number, and she called, all day and night but i couldn't answer, never had the nerves, one day i threw the phone away, and left her behind.

"Dean? Are you alright?" Sam asked.

"What, yeah ofcourse." I cleared my throat.

"Where is she?" I asked cas.

"Currently in Houston Texas."

"Alright." I said then when in thought again.

"Do you wanna go meet her dean?" Sam asked.

"I dont know. Does she know me?"

"Im not sure dean, sorry." Cas said.

"I wanna go see her." I decided.

"Alright, meet you in the car in 10?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, lets go meet my daughter."


What do you think will happen next? Stay tuned!


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